Example sentences of "[prep] [noun prp] [verb] [adv] it " in BNC.

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1 Cos it 's got all me reading this out all about Scott has n't it ?
2 and it certainly makes you feel more favourably towards Rochester does n't it ?
3 The one in particular I 'm referring to you will see we 'd all see the Son of Man , they they 'd recognised that reference to himself Son of Man , they 'd recognised that because that comes out of the Old Testament Book of Daniel does n't it , the Son of Man seated on the right hand of the Almighty coming with the clouds of heaven .
4 Bob Worcester of MORI admitted frankly it was ‘ the worst result for the opinion polls since they were invented ’ .
5 It has the expertise of Jack Meyers of the University of Pittsburgh packed inside it ; the system recognises 3500 signs and symptoms of disease , and 500 known diseases .
6 THE TOWN of Nagasaki said yesterday it would earmark two million yen ( £12,000 ) in its 1993 budget towards aiding Korean survivors of the 1945 US atomic bombing of the city , but the Koreans , who were working in Nagasaki as imported labourers , must come to Japan to receive the free medical treatment .
7 He seems to me , a bit like Joan does n't it ?
8 The end of August I think it is in , which means then in July does n't it ?
9 it closes in October do n't it ?
10 The Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food says it 's aware of the problem for Linseed farmers and will be conducting tests in September to see how it can be disposed of more effectively .
11 Because that means number in America does n't it ?
12 That ten thousand stops in April do n't it ?
13 Robin Child 's influence has gone far beyond the limits of the classroom and his Marlborough pupils : he has lectured widely , here and abroad , to teachers , art societies , art colleges , educationists , church audiences and schools ( some subsequently sending their own heads of department to Marlborough to see how it 's done ) on many aspects of art and art history , the philosophy of teaching and his own approach to it .
14 It only takes half an hour to go to Austria does n't it ?
15 erm last year it went to Manchester did n't it ?
16 I would erm suggest that they go at Swindon to see how it 's done .
17 Pearce v Foster indicated why it was that if the original affidavit or a copy made by the employee had been sent to the solicitors , that would not have been privileged from disclosure by the first and second defendants , although sent to the solicitors for the purpose of advising them on their position against the employee .
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