Example sentences of "[prep] [noun prp] [noun] [is] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 I 'm sure it wo n't be long before she is on the most popular chat shows , telling us of commissions she has undertaken and regaling us with tales of her life when she was actress Delia Abraham , co-starring in the TV version of Nell Dunn 's Up The Junction , and appearing in rep alongside Kate O'Mara .
2 He practically pushed those kids of Dr. Kerrison 's out of the door .
3 On the initiative of Kurt W. Forster , until recently Director of the Getty Center in Santa Monica , the first ever complete edition of the writings of Aby Warburg is about to be published in English .
4 Meanwhile , anyone who eulogises on the wit and wisdom of Michael Milken is in for a tumble .
5 She also picked up a number of recently composed ‘ revival ’ songs , like Andy Hunter 's Up and Awa wi' the Laverock .
6 ADRIAN Doherty 's comeback bid with Derry City is over .
7 It was Nation 's close friend Dennis Spooner who had put his name forward to David Whitaker , showing him the science fiction script Nation had done for Irene Shubik 's Out of this World series a year or so earlier .
8 Over the years he has appeared in The Stone Boy , The Outsiders , Rumblefish , The Cotton Club , Paradise Alley and , most memorably , as the down-and-out DJ in Jim Jarmusch 's Down By Law and the jinked hobo in Hector Babenco 's Ironweed .
9 Certainly this alteration will ensure the strategic policy in North Yorkshire is up to date .
10 A fireman who was to be flogged for alcohol offences in Saudi Arabia is back home after winning a last-minute reprieve .
11 Many law firms have already laid off employees : a large Midlands firm has got rid of 35 ; a firm in East Anglia is about to shed some conveyancing staff ; and the Law Society 's Young Solicitors Group has set up a helpline to provide counselling and advice for young lawyers who have been made redundant .
12 Many law firms have already laid off employees : a large Midlands firm has got rid of 35 ; a firm in East Anglia is about to shed some conveyancing staff ; and the Law Society 's Young Solicitors Group has set up a helpline to provide counselling and advice for young lawyers who have been made redundant .
13 After a spell in Australia Biddles is back and celebrating a great victory … its a great story for our Friday Feature
14 GRIT your teeth and bolt the door — the latest novel from Iain Banks is about to hit the bookshops .
15 Black 's £ 1.2m move to Sheffield Wednesday from Nottingham Forest is off until after the weekend .
16 Because Pound was not a combatant , and because he resolutely resisted making easily patriotic and self-righteous gestures ( this is what Homage to Sextus Propertius is about , very largely ) , the impact upon him of the First World War is under-estimated .
17 THE BACK line which Gary Hill is convinced is best for Heybridge Swifts is back in action for today 's visit to play Tooting and Mitcham in the Diadora First Division .
18 At Mike Mahoney 's down in Marsh Street they were laying odds on thee having been cut up for cats-meat . ’
19 ‘ For example , last year we checked the collection of European gold coins and a check on Scottish silver at Queen Street is about to be undertaken .
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