Example sentences of "[prep] [noun prp] [was/were] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Tufnell was also adjudged leg before , his decision perhaps harsh , and a couple of sixes by last man Devon Malcolm off Muralitharan was the sum total of England 's late order resistance .
2 That would be a fundamental change from the practice of Labour Governments of which the right hon. Member for Sparkbrook was a member .
3 What for Camus was a source of strength is , for me , a source of neurosis .
4 A poem for Lucy was a message in a bottle hurled into a turquoise ocean .
5 His first game for Arsenal was a nightmare , and before the 1930 Cup final he told Chapman how anxious he was Arsenal should win , so he would justify his record fee .
6 Nannies were inevitable and , within their social set , also very much the norm ; but the choice of Barbara Barnes to look after William was an indication that it was going to be a relaxed regime : she had no formal training , never wore a uniform and liked children to call her by her Christian name .
7 Security at England 's Washington hotel is being stepped up after Brazil were the target for thieves .
8 Among a number of executions reported during December were the hanging of nine people on Dec. 7 in the town of Zahedan , south-east Iran , after being condemned by an Islamic court for having " disturbed the public order " in disturbances there in November .
9 Most satisfactory for Russia were the gains made at the expense of Turkey .
10 The other key development in the political campaign during July was the collapse of Ross Perot 's independent campaign for the presidency .
11 What was worse for Scotland was the knowledge that in the test they would also be facing Eales and McCall at the line-out plus Lynagh , Horan and Campese in the backs .
12 Connections quickly came to the fore in the application , however , for Kinnoull pointed out that the wife of the minister of Tippermuir was a lady ‘ for whom the Dowager Lady Findlater has a particular regard ’ , and she was herself the niece of Sir James Grant 's uncle , Sir William Dunbar .
13 The manor of Cosmeston was a sub-manor of the manor of Sully which , in turn , was held from the lord of Glamorgan .
14 Both Croft and Cooper assaulted the honours system and Lloyd George 's use of patronage , but by 1922 they had joined forces with a wider Die-hard campaign of which the Duke of Northumberland was the figurehead and Maxse and Gwynne its main publicists .
15 In front of Levagh was the Austin Healey of Lance Macklin ( GB ) , travelling at about 210 kph ( 130 mph ) .
16 The Bishop of Hereford was an associate of Mortimer and had been brought before parliament in 1324 to face charges that members of his retinue had helped Mortimer to escape from the Tower .
17 Speaking from their Isle of Man home where they live as tax exiles , Sangster 's wife , Susan , firmly denied that the sale of Manton was a result of her husband 's reduced stature in the bloodstock world .
18 What I had seen of Czechoslovakia was a society which encouraged a miserable waste of human resources .
19 Baldersdale was far too remote for any of the gentry to be interested in building a country residence there All the more accessible dales had their halls , manors and castles , but the high moors sweeping up to 1,500 feet above the valley of Baldersdale was the habitat of a creature which every aristocrat , and many wealthy merchants and other nouveau riche with aristocratic pretensions pursued , then and now , with fanatical zeal — Lagopus scoticus , feathered-footed member of the Tetraonidae family , otherwise known as the red grouse For the locals it meant an extra cash crop during the days following the Glorious Twelfth — the shillings and sovereigns tossed , somewhat disdainfully , at them for providing a back-up service , such as beating the heather to alarm the birds into the air and towards the buckshot , or placing their horses and wagons at the disposal of their lordships so that ammunition , lunch and the essential bottles of whisky could be transported to the guns and the day 's bag of slain birds brought safely to the all-important count .
20 I asked whether the unification of Germany was an issue .
21 Loss of A73–40 was the result of the aircraft hitting trees on high ground after cleaning up on take-off .
22 This was in the mid 1560s , when Mary was still in power , so that it reads like Knox 's wishful thinking rather than anything else ; and it was then recast into the famous phrase by the Protestant chronicler Robert Lindsay of Pitscottie , writing in the 1570s , by which time the representative of the house of Stewart was the child James VI , and the lass had long gone — into English captivity .
23 Jesus of Nazareth was a man whose divine authority was clearly proven to you by all the miracles and wonders which God performed through him .
24 One of the characteristics of Admass was the uniformity of the food on offer .
25 One set of early inhabitants of Crete were the Minoans who came from , amongst other places , Africa .
26 ‘ getting rid of Rocky was a crap move by Wilko ’ ( in fact I just said it ! ! )
27 Another key factor related to the possibility of the closure of Hormuz was the mood prevailing in ruling circles in Tehran .
28 If the map of Leicestershire were a face it would have a few small pimples on its chin and they would take fifty years to come to a head .
29 The ‘ self-coronation ’ of Ceauşescu was a gesture in imitation of Napoleon 's crowning of himself in 1804 .
30 For the Armagnacs , the acquisition of Rodez was the equivalent of that of Béarn for the counts of Foix .
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