Example sentences of "[prep] [noun prp] [noun prp] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Stewart Stevenson ( also an agent for Lyles Carpets ) is responsible for Norther Ireland reporting directly to the Field Sales Director , and their is one agent employed for Devon and Cornwall .
2 Wimbledon took the lead in the 16th minute when skipper John Fashanu crossed for Dean Holdsworth to head home .
3 Such a victory was always on the cards , for Miss Albano stood only 10 places above her British counterpart in the world rankings , at 456 .
4 Opinion about Ken Livingstone divided sharply .
5 From top to bottom this was a society , which as David Ganz has so well observed in connection with the predestination controversy , ‘ was all too aware of its sins , all too uncertain of their forgiveness ’ .
6 Sarah Bamfield seized on a loose ball and swung the ball across the D for Lucy Youngs to poke home at the far post .
7 However , the visitors caught Quakers cold at the restart when a right wing free kick was floated in for Ronnie Jepson to nip ahead of his marker and stab the ball past Prudhoe .
8 But three minutes before half time , Milton grabbed the second goal as Neil Allen fired home direct from a free kick some twenty yards out after Paul Biddle had been fouled .
9 David Byrne fired in a cross from the right and Grant shrugged off Richard Gough to shoot home from close range .
10 A spokesman for Nestle UK said yesterday that the company does not manufacture or sell infant formula in Britain .
11 Death and violence are the accompaniments to negotiation as South Africa struggles forward to elections next year .
12 I must learn to sublimate my desire for my own perch by feeling happy for Aunt Louise sitting there .
13 WACC will respond positively to the invitation of Dean Zassoursky to cooperate closely with the new Department of Religious Communication and the Faculty of Journalism in general .
14 For example , the writing of Rosalind Krauss has mainly been published in two journals , the American October and the French Macuba , both advancing a special interpretation of twentieth-century art .
15 In the meantime , the Hercules of RAF Lyneham have already stepped up their workload to the war zone .
16 The film capital is a huge sprawling city which seems to stretch indefinitely in all directions ; they even said that the outskirts of Los Angeles reached as far as San Francisco !
17 BRITONS caught up in the horrifying riots tearing the heart out of Los Angeles told yesterday of their terror .
18 The rest of Los Angeles moved only in the safety of cars , and the streets had become sterile and unwelcoming .
19 Although the victory of Keir Hardie owed much to historical contingency and of the labour council to traditional Liberal support , the assertion of working-class identity was instrumental .
20 For all his reverence for Hugh of Lincoln Richard had always been determined that other bishops should not be like him .
21 Debenham & Freebody 's of Wigmore Street did so in 1920 , but not for tardy payment of a long outstanding account but for an order which the customer denied had ever been given .
22 The industrious biographer of Bernard Shaw has just completed the fourth volume , but it appears as if bricks , not books , will finish him off .
23 The gate of Monte Samana lay ahead .
24 We sailed to Elba , from Corsica via Capri , a long haul despite a favourable westerly , and watched the bulk of Monte Capanne emerge slowly from the heat .
25 After all this , the plot of La Bayadere comes as outrageously irresponsible nonsense .
26 On the fourth day we passed the Temple of Kom Ombo perched heroically on a promontory above the river .
27 The tawny hair of Alexandra Maitland brushed briefly across his mind .
28 Two days later , on 13 May , shortly before a Christian democrat by the name of Pierre Pflimlin made yet another attempt — as it turned out , successful — to win a vote of confidence in the National Assembly in Paris , a crowd took over the main government building in Algiers .
29 In Poland mass demonstrations for the release of Lech Walesa brought entirely unconnected Russian army manoeuvres in nearby territory .
30 Those at the north end of Normangate Field remained essentially agricultural in character throughout the second century , after which they apparently went out of use .
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