Example sentences of "[prep] [adv] over [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Ford claims most are selling for enough over the MGFV to pay a deposit on a new Options car now for the same monthly payments .
2 Consider , for instance , the evoked meaning of an expression such as all over the place ( paragraph 1 ) , or the impact of an unusual collocation such as lives in a rage ( paragraph 4 ) ; how well do these expressions translate into your target language ?
3 If you 've got them scattered about all over the place , it makes it much more difficult to try and save them , and , later on , get the data back in .
4 Having wandered about all over the house , they had ended up in the dining room where the cabinet full of glass was .
5 Although he engaged in some pastoral work in the years after his ordination , preaching and hearing confessions , his time was spent almost entirely in the papal civil service and , until the appointment to Germany for just over a decade , almost entirely in Rome .
6 She 's been with them now for just over a month , and Angelica has never known a worker like her .
7 The strains of Somewhere Over The Rainbow filtered through as they left perhaps someday their dreams will come true .
8 Five-bedroom , double-garaged properties , individually designed and standing in plots of well over an acre .
9 I was really annoyed last night , I was getting really There was all this like down tuning and up tuning like all over the place That looks like Bart Simpson 's dad
10 Colleagues he had worked with all over the world were to form a network of stringers .
11 But as those boxing her in came away from the rails at the entrance to the home stretch she found a good run up the inside , and when Teleprompter ran out of stamina with just over a furlong to go Pat Eddery shot the favourite into the lead and made for the wire .
12 Third at the last fence , he passed Royal Mail and with just over a furlong to go was finishing so strongly that it looked as if he must catch Aldaniti .
13 Right : P&O Roadtanks driver , Ken Burgess , sees the end in sight as he runs along The Mall with just over a mile to go
14 Today , with just over a month to go before the general election , it only merited a few lines on the inside pages .
15 For the remainder of her half-hour set , the audience was treated to vintage Aurora Blake — in fact , it was doubtful that she 'd ever put on a more powerful show in any of the venues she 'd performed in all over the world .
16 There are bits in all over the place .
17 There are a whole lot of players who can go out there and knock balls in all over the place , score wonderful great big one four sevens and centuries and things of this nature , but what makes the , the good player an excellent player , is the player who can do it on the big occasion .
18 Elsie Stringer , 71 , of Billingham , is taking the plight of Britain 's pensioners to the European Parliament and will address a two-day conference attended by pensioners from all over the EEC .
19 Contributions came from all over the United Kingdom .
20 Yesterday at the Royal Albert Hall there was music-making on a grand scale by young people from all over the United Kingdom , with a prize for the best overall performance .
21 I am raising a point of order because my understanding is that this is the United Kingdom Parliament , which has representatives from all over the United Kingdom .
22 The idea is to invite choirs and musicians from all over the United Kingdom to use our menu , the sheet music and the pack of the fund raising ideas .
23 Yesterday 's contest in London was the final competition faced by piped bands from all over the United Kingdom .
24 The town was also successful in attaining Safer City status and beat off competition from all over the United Kingdom to become Britain 's second Environment City , he said .
25 Said Sheher , the man who organised the competition which brought contestants to Whitby from all over the United Kingdom as well as Belgium and Germany , said : ‘ Karate is a rough sport . ’
26 It used to be called ‘ the Corner of the World ’ as it was said that , seated at one of the tables on the pavement , a Madeiran would eventually see all the people he knew and meet people from all over the globe .
27 Located in one of the richest greenstone belts in the world , companies from all over the globe are continually looking for , and finding , previous metals in the area .
28 Huge chrome and glass complexes open seven days a week sell goods from all over the globe , often cheaper than in their country of origin .
29 They have been collecting goodies from all over the globe , with no trouble or expense spared , and have recently announced that they have just paid a world record price for a rather small amount of tea .
30 The School is an international body whose past and present members include nationals from all over the globe .
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