Example sentences of "[prep] [adv] we [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 From here we return to Funchal , a total distance of 63km having been covered .
2 From here we returned to Borrowdale via Jopplety Haw , grateful that the heatwave had transformed the moss into springy turf .
3 From here we descend to the crypt and find ourselves surrounded by the 11C remains of the Romanesque basilica .
4 From here we continue to Ponta do Sol ( 40km ) through a series of tunnels cut into the rock which are lit from the seaward side by sunlit ‘ windows ’ .
5 From here we continue to Terreira da Luta , where we get a good view of Funchal and see how high we have already climbed .
6 And if the Newquay lot turn up round here we have to really run 'em down . ’
7 Anyway , from there we went to Gorkham where we are here with five of us , that was , that was the job , we had a cottage to ourselves .
8 From there we go to Corgarff Castle near Strathdon , a 16th-century tower house converted into a barracks for Hanoverian troops in 1748 .
9 And from there we moved to the the secondary school that is now at Station Road at Gedling , it was a new school , brand new school built , er purpose built .
10 From there we moved to Canada , where my brother was born .
11 Er one wonders how on earth they speak to each other , or if indeed they even know who each other is or where their offices are and there is n't that personal relationship that one might expect to find in the normal concept of a legal firm and indeed er without clearly we go to off the point somewhat to have a discussion as to whether or not er a partnership is a suitable legal entity for these people to trade under .
12 Working on three floors at once we decided to we needed to continue work on the seventh floor before moving up to the eighth and so on to the ninth by the information given us in the er we calculated that the men that were to get onto the programme by the end of the week calculated the production rate for various gangs to see how fast so that 's how it was looking .
13 Or at least we try to .
14 By tonight we want to be in a position to win the match in the Singles … "
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