Example sentences of "[prep] [adv] it might [verb] " in BNC.

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1 For instance , domestic violence is now seen as unacceptable , whereas until recently it might have been considered a ‘ private ’ affair .
2 Just er it might of been of course I had plants through there it might have been
3 At least it was in a courtroom , where in Perry Mason or LA Law the witnesses cracked and the truth came out ; at least it might sort out whether the central figure was hero or villain , and point to how far up the culpability went .
4 Just as dangerous , probably , but at least it might get the whole affair over with and , to some extent , I would be in charge of my own destiny .
5 At least it might help to mitigate the boredom .
6 At least it might have done if its launch had n't been followed two days later by the scandalous sentencing of drink-driver Christopher Hart .
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