Example sentences of "[prep] [adv] a [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It would not be the number of establishments , since many of these will account for only a relatively small proportion of the total output .
2 By any reckoning , the path into the future is exceptionally perilous and uncertain for this generation , and political sociology , I fear , can at best illumine it for only a relatively short distance ahead .
3 The reasoning in the lawyer/client cases can not automatically be transferred to the financial services area because of the particular nature of the lawyer/client relationship including the fact that in order to prove a breach of confidence a client might be forced to forfeit the lawyer/client privilege , and that the very restrictive Law Society rules provide for only a very limited role for the Chinese wall where law firms amalgamate and the clients consent .
4 Other components of the cuticle account for only a very small part of its weight but are of great physiological significance .
5 After all , the physical facts of life are commonplace throughout the universe ; the biological , so far as we know , are peculiar to this planet and then for only a very brief part of its history .
6 He will recall that inflation never fell below 7.4 per cent. , and that for only a very brief period , while the Labour party was in Government .
7 However , that buying policy seems to have existed for only a very short period and to have been an aberration , as indeed is Fishbane 's reign .
8 Indeed on being presented with a picture , pupils may look at it for only a very short time and give only the most cursory replies when questioned about various features .
9 These parties I 'm talking about only a very dumb blonde would ask questions .
10 Everything eaten turns to wind and they may feel full and distended after only a very few mouthfuls with momentary relief ( > ) from belching .
11 Black holes are one of only a fairly small number of cases in the history of science in which a theory was developed in great detail as a mathematical model before there was any evidence from observations that it was correct .
12 This might possibly be an accurate forecast of the future , but anyone with experience of even a relatively simple up-to-date photocopier will know that the amount of maintenance support it requires goes far beyond this board-changing routine .
13 When we discussed it , it became clear that there is a wide spectrum of response to the whole issue of private care , that the response from within the statutory services tends to be one of suspicion , tends to be one of sometimes a fairly moralistic approach and this is quite at odds with the response we are seeing from the government which tends to go to the other end of the spectrum and be promoting private care as the solution to many of the problems of service provision and volume that are being encountered at the moment .
14 For this reason , when M. Oswald and J. Erwin removed the dominant male from a troop the amount of fighting among the remaining pigtails went up ( Figure 7.4 ) ; the effect is not simply due to the removal of an individual , because no consistent increase in aggression followed the removal of either a relatively dominant or a low-ranking female .
15 Except ‘ Three Little Birds ’ , which , although it might have sounded like just a jolly little song , was , in fact , a metaphorical indictment of the whole superpower system .
16 These organisations are rare , although an example might be a partnership of a few individuals who do all the work of the organisation themselves ( with perhaps a little administrative assistance ) .
17 And Alice saw a landscape that had been flattened , was bare and bleak , with perhaps a little wan ash blowing over it .
18 I did n't want to get into soap opera conversation about it with him , but on the occasions that we did talk about it , both of us felt that someone , with perhaps a little more eye on reality , would have realised that he should have been in hospital and not at home unable to reach oxygen .
19 The more rounded body , still distinctly Shogun with perhaps a more Americanised flavour , has increased dimensions in all but height , which is slightly lower , like the bonnet .
20 Erm Peter , North Yorkshire , I think it 's appropriately addressed there and I think there are so many elements of it that er I think you w you would end up with perhaps a very long explanatory section .
21 It is my intention to add one more possibility to the existing collection in the hope that it may bring this intriguing issue into perhaps a less mystifying perspective .
22 Developments in the creative and performing arts coincided with only a slightly later phase .
23 To have seen it is associated with a more positive attitude towards SSE , not to have seen it with a neutral attitude ; to recall it well is associated with an even more positive attitude towards SSE , not to recall it well with only a mildly positive attitude ; to associate changes with its use with a very positive attitude ; not to do so with only a mildly positive attitude .
24 To have seen it is associated with a more positive attitude towards SSE , not to have seen it with a neutral attitude ; to recall it well is associated with an even more positive attitude towards SSE , not to recall it well with only a mildly positive attitude ; to associate changes with its use with a very positive attitude ; not to do so with only a mildly positive attitude .
25 With only a very slight hesitation she launched into her part .
26 But when we talk about our conscious experiences we are providing our listener with only a very crude approximation to the actual phenomenal content of experience .
27 These days , when she occasionally took over from Annunciata and brushed Mrs Browning 's hair , she marvelled that a woman so much older than herself should still have such black , black hair with only a very few silver threads in it ( which she was instructed to pull out ) .
28 He 's taught many a Clubrep to ski and with only a very few exceptions , he can virtually guarantee to get you up and around the bay first time .
29 The unexpected news , however , was that Edward Balliol himself had here , for some unknown reason , left his army and with only a comparatively small escort of possibly five hundred men , struck off north-eastwards into the Ettrick Forest hills in the direction of St Mary 's Loch and Selkirk .
30 The headstock-facing sunburst is beautifully done , too , with just a slightly darker overall hue .
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