Example sentences of "[prep] [adv] [v-ing] that [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 He is also fiercely protective of that unbeaten record despite constantly saying that he 's only in boxing for the money .
2 There should be such a requirement in Britain , instead of just relying that we are about these orders er on the o o on the er auditors er them that that that the the themselves .
3 Mr Patten spent much of yesterday emphasising that he wanted to respect local decisions , and that once the regions and his department had worked out overall allocations , it was for local electorates to decide where they put the bricks and mortar .
4 No human is capable of truly knowing that they are not immortal , that someday the I that seemed eternal will cease , save in one moment ; the moment before true death .
5 I thank Mr Reckord for now admitting that he might have been insensitive in his remarks .
6 The danger is the convert being more zealous than the Pope in suddenly believing that we can abdicate on all issues of policy .
7 The defensive manoeuvre behind it is something like this : if I do n't acknowledge that this thing has happened then I do n't have to believe it is true ; I wo n't have to understand what has occurred if I hold off from consciously realizing that it has happened .
8 Postclassical criminology embraces the relativity of criminal definitions — though without necessarily accepting that they are , or have been , as randomly selective as interactionism sometimes seemed to suggest .
9 And the finest part of the arrangement is this , that the members of this money aristocracy can take the shortest road through the middle of all the labouring districts to their places of business without ever seeing that they are in the midst of the grimy misery that lurks to the right and the left .
10 He was called Paolo , and he was a handsome , elegant , simpatico boy whom I often saw and talked to during the school holidays , without ever suspecting that he was interested in me personally .
11 This is how monarchs and their families have lived for generations , without ever questioning that it should be so .
12 Without even realising that he 'd moved , he found himself standing by the door to her room .
13 Margaret and Arthur Craig were , strictly speaking , her parents-out-of-law , since their son , Guy , had died in a car accident without even knowing that she was pregnant , let alone considering marriage .
14 But the luxurious tropical oasis that was the Hamiltons ' house , and the fact that she saw Tom every day and had become friends with him , had led her to drop her guard without fully realising that she had done so , and now she was utterly vulnerable to him .
15 The government could pull in two opposite directions without fully realizing that it was doing so .
16 Mars-Jones J in Palacath Ltd v Flanagan [ 1985 ] 2 All ER 161 decided that a surveyor was not immune without specifically denying that he had acted as a quasi-arbitrator .
17 Justin : We reassure them that it wo n't happen again without actually mentioning that it did happen .
18 As a result , older people can often be cold without actually feeling that they are cold .
19 At once regretting that she had let herself become riled , she delved into her bag and came out with a bar of soap .
20 As regards recession , it 's interesting the Chancellor is at least admitting that we 're close to it .
21 To return to my burglary , it became possible to make alternative arrangements : to let family members know and to replace the presents with other things made available by other people or by just acknowledging that they would be replaced when the insurance money came through !
22 Laura responded to this repositioning of her responsibilities neither by loudly insisting that she have more formal authority nor by sweetly surrendering the vestiges of power which she had .
23 Bolinger gives the following set of examples , which do genuinely appear to show qualification of the sense alone , that is , of the property which identifies the entity , rather than of the entity itself : ( 1 ) total stranger lawful heir distant cousin mere kid To these , we might add the cases in ( 2 ) ; notice that the last example would be self-contradictory if the adjective were interpreted as an ordinary attributive : ( 2 ) Brent is a strong Republican the document was a complete blank ( If faced with a claim that we can explain the peculiarity of these adjectives by simply stating that they are adverbial impostors , we may respond that , even supposing that , deep down , there may be something adverbial about them , nonetheless speakers have chosen to use an adjective rather than an adverb , and this adjectival use needs to be described and if possible explained .
24 A doctor jilted by a nurse took revenge by falsely diagnosing that she had the Aids virus .
25 After a trial lasting five days he was eventually convicted , under count 1 , of obtaining a pecuniary advantage by deception , contrary to section 16(1) of the Theft Act 1968 , in that he dishonestly obtained for himself the opportunity to earn remuneration in an office or employment as an accountant to a man called Burt , by falsely representing that he was a member of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants and held qualifications from the Institute of Marketing .
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