Example sentences of "[prep] [adv] [det] [pron] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Squatting in the soil , knees bent double either side of her head , intent on her hands working between her legs , Carolyn could have been taken for only half her age .
2 Now , as we have already seen , the externalization of coercion and the failure of the ego to come to terms with its basic instinctual drives in the total state robs it of nearly all its opportunity to experience such triumphs .
3 We come therefore to the problem of defining the individual stratigraphical unit , which is the basis of nearly all our troubles .
4 For once all her sneers , inflections , eyebrow raisings and shoulder shruggings are wholly appropriate .
5 Unlike almost all his portraits , the nudes are not melancholy , but direct , open , sensuous in form and sumptuous in colour .
6 We noted that the major instrument of central control over local activity was financial : local authorities depend on central government for nearly half their income , with most of the rest coming from rates .
7 I have had motor neurone disease for practically all my adult life .
8 During the course of their conversation , to which Julia listened with only half her attention as she sipped her brandy , she learned that Jackson French was likely to be posted to London to play a part in the winding up of UNRRA later in the year and that Comfort herself was due to leave Venice in two days ' time ‘ now that Julia is getting well again' .
9 With practically all its fighting men either killed or captured , the Kingdom of Jerusalem lay helpless at the feet of the invader .
10 Poor Tauziat produced only six clean winners throughout the match , with nearly all her points coming from Seles errors .
11 The Church Commissioners , who supply parishes with about half their funds , have had to cut their contribution by about 20 per cent .
12 Alexandra could imagine her face , white and drawn , her eyes shut against the effort of calling , the effort of standing there with almost all her weight on the one leg that was any use to her .
13 He was also a man who got on well with almost all his associates , and his early death in 1854 was seen as a great blow to natural history .
14 By the middle of the nineteenth century Lancashire was the most urbanized county in England , with over half its population living in the fourteen towns which contained more than 10,000 inhabitants each .
15 Nowadays , Britain relies on imports for about half its consumption of tin .
16 One alternative , known as the Southern Option , follows an existing pylon line for about half its route , then deviates southwards around Nunthorpe .
17 Thus , in nearly all its occurrences , either use of the adjective criminal would be equally valid .
18 One master earned respect and obedience without fear from nearly all his class , by being a just , quiet , serious man , even of speech and kindly … .
19 Six key UK aid projects designed to protect tropical forests have failed in virtually all their objectives , according to an unpublished draft report commissioned by the government 's aid arm , the Overseas Development Administration ( ODA ) .
20 Even in industrial Babergh hundred , Suffolk , stripping the surface layer from the record exposes the original economy of the wood-pasture country — specialised dairying , pig fattening and horse breeding , in almost half its villages , which preserved this traditional system , the top people accounted for not more than 14 per cent of the wealth , a solitary £100 man for just 4½ per cent .
21 The finding of anaemia at presentation in almost half our patients is worth noting as it is still widely taught that this is an indicator of chronic rather than acute renal failure .
22 And I wo n't suggest we ride back into camp together either , so sit yourself down there and relax , for underneath all your politeness , you 're on edge . ’
23 There can be little doubt that a Labour Minister for Women would be hard put to right all our wrongs ; none the less , it is likely that she will save a few battered women 's refuge centres from closure , open the odd nursery school , and raise the tax status of child-minders to that of company cars .
24 Choose good quality prepared bulbs and plant them close together , but not touching , to approximately half their depth in good , moist bulb fibre in suitable bowls .
25 Comes to nearly all our meetings .
26 Over a decade , they 've gone to nearly all his shows .
27 But they do come back loads of them and we send them off everywhere into dance into acting into trade shows we 've got a terrific act on here all you people who strive and slave towards making this playhouse work we 're a bloody miracle .
28 Accreditation to ISO9000 , the international standard for quality of products and services , has now been extended to almost all our operations .
29 This enabled it to survive the mass defection of four consultants — equal to almost half their team — led by David Norman in 1982–3 .
30 Quite often , you will find that bush and shrub roses have been cut back to maybe half their height in order to reduce the overall size so that they fit into the sack or bag — perhaps to get this through the postal system .
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