Example sentences of "[prep] [pers pn] and no [noun] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 I gobbled them down — there was a whole day ahead of me and no guarantee of food — and washed them down with water .
2 They went higher , up the steep winding road , snow banked high on either side of them and no traffic at all coming down from the pass .
3 The gut reaction this morning is we could end up with a bypass scheme at the end of it and no Caernarvon link .
4 It is rarely seen but many know of it and no man hunts it ; but that is the white stag , not a unicorn . ’
5 The Zeltweg race was , after all , on Niki 's home territory , and when Prost spun off on a patch of oil , the race took on a new perspective for Niki : he found himself in the lead , with Piquet behind him and no threat with badly worn tyres .
6 The non-proliferation treaty has not prevented countries like Israel , India and South Africa from secretly developing nuclear weapons , but at least they have not gone public with them and no country has officially added itself to the nuclear weapons states .
7 And those who find it hard to reject a sinful situation could often argue that they 're above it and no way is it hurting them .
8 Erm there was no start date for him and no finish date for him really er
9 The man you knew was a stranger to me and no amount of insisting will alter that . ’
10 ‘ So I 'm blindfolded again , taken to this bus stop an hour or so away and when that bus comes I 'm right on it and no mistake .
11 But you see the We 'd got no stall that end open to us and no stall that end , and the gate was down but we working to breakthrough to get some fresh air through from there .
12 Think about it and no shouting out .
13 Seeing her there , Stephen had to remind himself — for nothing in her bearing hinted at it and no vestige of hand-some looks remained — that she had once been the mistress of Alfred Osborn Tace .
14 ‘ There is no rift between us and no rift between the directors .
15 ‘ Those were not the same people I had known ; they were homeless , with no nest around them and no children .
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