Example sentences of "[prep] [pers pn] and see [conj] " in BNC.

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1 I 've just got to look after her and see that she does n't hurt herself . ’
2 Ellen 's voice was suddenly a harsh scream , so harsh that we both looked towards her and saw that she was threatening both of us with one of Wavebreaker 's heavy-duty fire extinguishers that she had snatched from its rack at the head of the main companionway .
3 ‘ He is n't our dog , but he lives next door to us , ’ she explained , ‘ so I suppose I 'd better take charge of him and see that he does n't do any more mischief . ’
4 with me and see if I can something
5 All we can ask is if there 's a councillor for Allenton listening to us , if they could get in touch and we 'll put them in touch with you and see if we can start it all over again Henry .
6 Let's go and have a chat with him and see if we can put his mind at rest . ’
7 There was never any doubt in his mind that they would or could do so , and indeed he heard their shouts and as the next wave lifted him was able to look down upon them and see that they were luffing to the wind and preparing to beat back towards him .
8 When its flapping had started to irritate me , I snatched it from him and saw that it was ruled like a timetable .
9 In my letter applying to the BBC I had said that I would also like to telephone several undertakers for quotes , stating my exact requirements and then taking the lowest , getting back to them and seeing if they could be beaten down .
10 okay , so if I mean if you come to me and see and say we wan na exchange on tomorrow
11 Joyce 's material supposedly unfolds in the dreaming mind of a Dublin publican ; the story O'Brien 's narrator tells concerns a publican who operates his imagination altogether more systematically , locking up his fictional characters ‘ so that he can keep an eye on them and see that there is no boozing ’ ( O'Brien 1939 and 1975 : 35 ) .
12 ‘ I 'll write to him and see if he agrees with what you say .
13 Sister said I could come in my coffee break to say hello to her and see that she 's all right . ’
14 And so when you 're pushing pressing on that squashing it and making it flow into sheets the pulling on it and seeing whether it will stretch or whether it .
15 But , I I do n't really think I could make it any clearer , but you need to , perhaps take it home and go through it again , and think about it and see if you can understand it , you know , in the quiet of your own bedroom , plus is a very useful time to try and learn things .
16 Wexford leafed through it and saw that Hatton had paid twenty-five pounds for the lamp on May 22nd .
17 Fenella looked over her shoulder at them and saw that they were looking at her with such blind trust and with such faith that cold anger rose in her at the evil Lord who had forced them to his work .
18 Let me look at you and see if I remembered you right .
19 She saw him look down at her and saw that his skin was raw and flayed in places ; the arm of flesh and blood was scraped and scorched and the silver arm on the other side was reflecting the tremendous heat , so that it was copper coloured and glinting and must be causing him immense pain .
20 She started to bristle , but then she looked at him and saw that his smile was open and good-humoured .
21 She turned to stare at him and saw that he was smiling — a twisted smile that made her colour rise quickly .
22 People will look at it and see if it has relevance for them .
23 Right you could see , you could have a guess at it and see if three went round exactly .
24 I looked at mine and saw that it was blank .
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