Example sentences of "[prep] [pers pn] that [verb] it " in BNC.

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1 Of him that hears it , never in the tongue
2 It was the part of him that found it too much of a strain to even think about organizing his work .
3 Of him that makes it : then , if sickly ears ,
4 It was a sister-in-law of mine that bought it .
5 ‘ The horrifying thing is the thought that it must have been one of us that did it . ’
6 I 've been offered the opportunity by er Bob in training er in force have taken this on er the tactical unit have taken it on , the chance of er one day erm assessment or appraisal training , at erm probably at Exeter for those of us that do it and erm I think that perhaps with the the way that the diverse way that our staff 's spread out the proper ways of assessing people which I 've I 've never been shown how to do and I do n't think many of us have .
7 Well everyone 'll do it , everyone did go home eventually and their wages , cos there was there was two of us , I told you did n't I , there was two of us that worked it out .
8 ‘ It 's nuts like you that put it there .
9 was with the pressure of the membership behind him that did it .
10 No ; I could n't stay close to whatever it was in him that liked it so much .
11 This really is committee work but I , it does occur to me that mention it that erm , if in our advertising we point out that we have a car park attendant and if that car park attendant were to let one slip through his fingers me were , we may well then be liable to be sued by the person who
12 When he saw on television the public cheering me and reaching out to shake my hand , he said , ‘ You know , it 's not everyone who says ‘ well done ’ to you that means it .
13 Ask , and it shall be given you ; seek , and ye shall find ; knock , and it shall be opened unto you ; For every one that asketh receiveth ; and he that seeketh findeth ; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened .
14 He that seeks , finds , to him that knocks it will be opened .
15 going this far then the doctor put on it that going it had on it all that he hates which he takes it means either osteoarthritic
16 There was something about it that made it different and she did not know if it was a horse in a class of its own or if that was the rider .
17 Oh my darling , I am too happy and excited to be able to write all the things I want to say to you , so much is crowding in , so much has happened in such a short while and I want to pin down some of this marvellous feeling before it all rushes by and becomes more accepted — because , Betty , I do feel that we accept each other , there is a tolerance , a straightness between us that makes it all possible .
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