Example sentences of "[prep] [pers pn] it [vb mod] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It could be argued that they might help to identify him , but it was felt that they might relate to another crime and that if we started talking about them it might put whoever was responsible on his guard .
2 If it did it for them it can do it for me ! ’
3 They admit it 's expensive , but say that by sharing the aircraft between them it should provide value for money .
4 So if you want to see that old mother of yours it 'll have to be by road . ’
5 Which is ridiculous cos if you put a H in front of it it should say hate .
6 For a family in the position of hers it would have been like saying one needed air to breathe .
7 Debbie , 23 , of Blisworth Street , said : ‘ If I had n't ran away when I saw the balls of fire coming towards us it might have been much worse .
8 To a few of us it may seem like only yesterday , but to the Princess , I suspect , it has been a long decade , for she has completed a most extraordinary metamorphosis .
9 So we should know that , but whether it 'll allow , how many of us it 'll allow to go on it I do n't know .
10 ‘ If the poor woman knows nothing about you it will give her an awful shock . ’
11 I says if we do it for you it 'll cost you a fortune , he said
12 Although delegation may release more time for you it will cost additional time for others .
13 I suppose looking back on what I said at the time it was true and I did really love you and I still do but now it 's not sexual or romantic , it was n't sexual then because my mind was too pure and partly because you were such a huge chunk of my life , one seventh , and I think I always will do n't know what that 's su oh it 's love you I suppose for you it must have been such a small thing and at fifteen stroke sixteen you can probably only just remember me I was fourteen actually I was the middle son who was n't properly blond unlike the brothers and hung around near you far too much .
14 For a soft-shoulder Sunday mechanic like me it would have taken all day , but most of the jobs are incredibly simple to the man who can , who served his time with Ford and spent years at London Transport .
15 If Lexy was another like her it might explain why she was willing to accept such cavalier treatment .
16 If plants have anything wrong with them it may have already been there when they were obtained , or it is a sign that they are not being grown in the right conditions .
17 " From my own examination of your account with us it would appear that the shipping company in your group — the T. and T. line is the major provider of cash for your present business .
18 If it was n't for the air of wary intelligence about him it might have been supposed that he was a barbarian from the Hubland wastes .
19 If it was n't for him it would have been in bits .
20 Without them it would fall to pieces . ’
21 ‘ But without them it will look much better , I promise , and if we take out these awful shoulder-pads … ’
22 If they fall over them it 'll ring the bell ; you know , the old cow-bell that hangs in the shed . ’
23 But I do n't think that means we have to adjust our sales structure to them it may mean that we have to look at theirs and decide who 's gon na deal with what , but th but we do n't have to gear all our structure
24 Er it , it does seem to me it would 've been an enormous problem for the Chinese Communist Party had absolute egalitarianism worked .
25 goodnight to you it 'd mean
26 Without him it would have been a different car . ’
27 On him it looks smart but sober , but on her it can look daring and ultra-stylish .
28 In itself it could mean nothing ; in regard to him it could mean only that he was mad .
29 It was sheer outrage but to him it must have looked like guilt .
30 To her it may seem that not only was she robbed of happiness during her marriage , but that she is now also being denied the right to grieve as well , for there will be those who will be expecting her mourning to be nothing more than a brief bow to convention , followed by a fairly speedy rise in spirits and return to normality .
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