Example sentences of "[prep] [pers pn] be [adj] for " in BNC.

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1 However , we must remember what we earlier quoted Hegel as saying : that the other person 's attitude towards me is important for my sense of self-identity .
2 Part of me was anxious for Jean-Claude .
3 But neither of them 's fit for ladies like yourselves .
4 ‘ If she has a large family and some of them are unprovided for , say , for instance , she has unmarried sisters and aunts and nieces , then it is only right , since her husband has married into the family , that he should provide for them , too . ’
5 However , women receive lower redundancy payments than men and a larger proportion of them are ineligible for payments altogether .
6 Men do not share support with child care simply because so few of them are responsible for the care of children , and so on .
7 But judging by last month 's debate , many of them are hungry for change .
8 Hamburgers , friend and processed foods , canned drinks , too much caffeine , too much starch — all of them are bad for you .
9 The pits that have been ‘ saved ’ will be shored up with public subsidy to enable them to compete internationally until some of them are ready for privatisation .
10 the Premises or the Retained Parts or any part of either of them are damaged or any part of them are damaged or destroyed by any of the [ Insured Risks or Insured Risks except one against which insurance may not ordinarily be arranged with an insurer of repute for properties such as the Premises unless the Landlord has in fact insured against that risk ] so that the Premises or any part of them are unfit for occupation or use and
11 But none of them is suitable for our market .
12 Just like tap water , bottled water contains a host of minerals — and too much of some of them is bad for you .
13 Slung round the waist on a webbing belt with adjustable plastic fixlock buckle , it can be worn on one hip , behind like a bumbag or in front like a sporran , the latter being the only sensible arrangement for paddling but none of them being ideal for making an exit in difficult conditions or swimming in the event of a capsize .
14 Stirling took on a number of officers and men from the disbanded Special Service Regiment and the rest were distributed elsewhere , as few of them were suitable for SAS training .
15 At the elementary level of existence , many of them were desperate for basic necessities .
16 All of them were ready for action after the long period of training , but when they arrived they found that a gale had brewed up .
17 Bridget too had a similar experience : " The other girls had mixed feelings , some of them were happy for me but some thought I was a slag and a tart and that I did n't know who the father was , and they were bitchy towards me when they passed in the corridors . "
18 He insisted that he did not believe that any of them was right for him , in spite of the huge money that would be on offer .
19 Which of you is responsible for the long periods of separation , or are they merely dictated by your careers ? ’
20 ‘ You 're right , Tom , ’ chuckled his aunt , ‘ none of 'em 's ready for buryin' yet .
21 There is usually a formal system of discounts , for advertisers spending over a certain level with the station , and perhaps even for early booking , and whenever a station has time to sell which it fears it might fail to dispose of it is possible for the buyer to negotiate on the price .
22 The vague expression of it is sufficient for our purposes .
23 An adequate , well-balanced diet is one of the most important factors in the maintenance of health in older people , and the lack of it is responsible for many preventable illnesses .
24 We have to accept that each of us is responsible for our own preservation .
25 In its sometimes dictatorial and quirky way , ‘ Collins ’ laid down the law , and many of us are grateful for its guidance .
26 Many of us are keen for the bay to be redeveloped , and are glad to note that low-cost housing is being provided there .
27 For , as George Gilder has written , ‘ All of us are dependent for our livelihood and progress not on a vast and predictable machine , but on the creativity and courage of the particular men who accept the risks which generate our riches . ’
28 We should all of us be responsible for that building , not just myself or yourself .
29 World events were worrying us more and more and some of us were fearful for the safety of family and friends .
30 We were like ringing the bell and both of us were desperate for a crap , absolutely desperate , and desperate for a cup of tea cos we got up at ei er half seven .
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