Example sentences of "[prep] [pers pn] [was/were] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But few of them were of good family or had prospects which were worthy of consideration .
2 But erm , and I was looking through all these posters and most of them were of nude women !
3 They certainly performed the other functions of the chapel of the contemporary kings of Germany ; and it is doubtless significant that some of them were of German origin .
4 Christina was interested too , and the two of them were in good spirits when Stephen drove into the dry , scrubby car park in front of the Crane Beach Hotel , which from that aspect seemed an unremarkable low-level with thirties undertones to the architecture .
5 In my tycoon days , before the collapse of my second career , I 'd had a fair amount to do with bankers , and my collective memory of them was of thin , precise men , in dark suits and wearing rimless glasses .
6 Luke made the word sound like an oath , and Folly had the curious feeling that they were having two conversations at once — and only one of them was about ancient history .
7 Residents appreciated the low traffic volume and near absence of through-traffic and a majority of them was in complete agreement over the restrictions on cars .
8 Neither of them was in religious orders and , whether or not either of them aspired to sainthood , both clearly felt that sharing their " confessions " was an important social act .
9 Much of it was of abstract design , of marvellous rhythms and symmetries , like the 13th century Five Sisters window at York Minster .
10 Her first glimpse of it was through elaborate iron gates set between two large stone pillars surmounted by rampant lions .
11 Much of it was in small parcels ; some was not suitable for development at all because of physical difficulties ; and , of the remainder , a great deal was already in the hands of builders .
12 First of all it comes from the top , I think all of us were in great sympathy with what Harris and the American generals had to do .
13 In an experiment , Hangartner placed two trails in parallel ; to begin with they were of equal concentration , but as they proceeded one of the trails became progressively weaker .
14 These detainees , convicted of taking part in attempted coups against King Hassan II in 1971 and 1972 , were held incommunicado , completely cut off from the outside world for 19 years ; the only news from them was in rare letters smuggled out .
15 And the course that David went on before he was asked to coach on it was for advanced people anyway .
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