Example sentences of "[prep] [pers pn] [conj] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Clothes can be costumes , and for some young women , walking down the street with bleached hair or a biker 's leather jacket says more about them than a thousand words .
2 They 're kept warm When you saw those little babies last week that were born very , very premature , apart from being very small , if you looked at those arms and legs and their bodies what was the noticeably different about them than a full term baby ?
3 As I wander the terraces I often overhear supporters talking about me and the overriding opinion is that ‘ he wo n't be here much longer ’ .
4 ‘ Generally people here can expect more-balanced advice on the best holiday for them and a wider choice than from many mainland agents . ’
5 ‘ Generally people here can expect more-balanced advice on the best holiday for them and a wider choice than from many mainland agents . ’
6 Sometimes girls are there because they are very young or they are homeless , sometimes it is because their parents can not cope at home with the responsibility for them and a newborn baby , and in other cases a home takes in and assesses girls whose ability to look after their baby is in question .
7 Like , it would be nonsensical to get Paul Weller to go play live on a kids ’ Saturday TV show , and it 's the same for all our artists : there 's a right environment for them and a wrong one , and it 's important not to force them .
8 However , in a group of 20 or 30 youngsters from the least successful socio-economic background , who have the least going for them and the smallest incomes , the chances are that there will be a greater number of smokers .
9 The good for them and the good for society can not be separately assessed .
10 But one thing that I would share with you and it 's this , is that whenever the friends of Jesus eat and drink together they remember him his sacrificial love for them and the wonderful gift of freedom that he has made possible .
11 ( 1986 ) and Morgan Klein ( 1985 ) describe convincingly the conflict which young people in residential care experience between longing for their parents to provide for them and the growing realisation that this may only ever be partial .
12 It must be like loving someone from afar only to have them turn to us one day , recognizing the love we have held for them and the secret things we have done for them , and returning our love with their own .
13 The more security you have , the more of a challenge it is for them and the more of a thrill they get if they get away with it .
14 She searched for words , and was still searching for them as the front door opened and Herr Nordern came in .
15 Inclusion of the word " federal " , which the UK government insisted had connotations in English , if not in other EC languages , of a " superstate " was described by the Independent of June 18 as " effectively the price being demanded of Britain , incidentally also of France , for insisting between them that the two main new areas for common action — foreign and security policies and judicial affairs — should be kept separate from the traditional EC constitutional structure as laid down in the Treaty of Rome [ see pp. 15951-59 ] " .
16 During the month after her father 's death each of them had discovered the need to explore hitherto suppressed areas of feeling and half-knowledge that stood between them and a clearer knowledge of the selves they were now fully determined to offer to each other .
17 It sounded absurdly false to her , as though they were playing a rather bald comedy for the benefit of the elderly lady , who was dividing her benign attention between them and a quivering travel film .
18 Nor , as these raiders paddled towards an enemy shore , was there more than a canvas skin on its wooden frame between them and a hostile reception .
19 ‘ That 's between them and the Swiss Banks .
20 Not only between himself and those in his charge , but as interpreter between them and the hearing world .
21 There were a dozen fine estates between them and the distant skyline .
22 In the back of one of my homemade guitars I used a bit of thin foam , rolled up tight , to hold a battery in place ; then I had a brainwave to use a piece of this and lay it across the springs , between them and the rear plate .
23 The peace with Scotland brought opposition to the regime of Mortimer and Isabella into the open , and , perhaps more significantly , marked the beginning of a breach , not as yet overt , between them and the young king , who was now sixteen years old .
24 Grant , satisfied that the wide expanse of lawn between them and the dark treeline remained comfortingly deserted , and no light showed in any of the blank windows of the house , slipped the coiled rope from his shoulder .
25 England — even in Paris — should win that one , which will leave Wales at Twickenham between them and the Grand Slam .
26 In the aftermath of the accident the bodies of the two children were recovered from the wreckage and laid beside the track with the other bodies of the tragedy , but their charred remains were beyond recognition and were never claimed nor was any connection established between them and the other passengers , and in consequence the two children were never identified .
27 They thus became the outstanding exponents of what has sometimes been called , with a variety of overtones , ‘ Neo-orthodoxy ’ ; and in the widening gulf between them and the other two there emerges very clearly what one recent writer has aptly described as ‘ the divided mind of modern theology ’ .
28 We asked environment groups from all twelve EC member states at the annual meeting of the European Environmental Bureau held in Brussels , to remind EC governments that ‘ subsidiarity ’ means much more than the balance of power between them and the European Commission .
29 As far as those who not only do this but also work exclusively for a single organization are concerned , it makes the distinction between them and the regular employees of that organization an unclear and almost unreal one .
30 It was another good example of why the sooner it is possible to delay the first round of the World Group matches so that there is more than a full week between them and the first Grand Slam tournament of the year , the better .
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