Example sentences of "[prep] [pers pn] [conj] [vb past] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The lady remembered my visit well , said she had been concerned about me and confided that , to provide me with a good meal , she had walked the five miles into Lochinver and back to buy fresh fish .
2 Then , while shopping in Fore Street one morning , he was approached by Timothy Gedge , who smiled at him as though nothing untoward had occurred between them and asked if he had come to a decision about donating the curtains .
3 In two weeks I shall be speaking to the people who worked for me and campaigned and raised money when I thought I was as good as dead and buried .
4 Mr. Lennis sent for me and said that Mr. Andrew was feeling run down , and had gone for a cruise in one of the ships , the Emily T. I kept expecting a letter or a postcard from him , but nothing came .
5 Marius was dismissive about both of them and thought that if they could n't manage two weeks of bedmaking and personal organisation then they should have stayed at home .
6 Attendance at this meeting was small , due in part to the absence of teachers who are in the National Display Team and are performing that day in Edinburgh as guests of the S.W.K.F.A. We though of them and hoped that all was going well .
7 He neither went towards her nor withdrew and she saw it could not go on like that .
8 Ellen 's voice was suddenly a harsh scream , so harsh that we both looked towards her and saw that she was threatening both of us with one of Wavebreaker 's heavy-duty fire extinguishers that she had snatched from its rack at the head of the main companionway .
9 He held a marble lighter towards her and said as she lowered her head to the flame , ‘ Filthy , is n't it ? ’ nodding towards the rain at the window .
10 On 2 July 1987 her husband had stopped the car in front of her and insisted that she should sign , but she refused .
11 There had been profiles of him that suggested that he was a jogger who had been bitten by one of Alex ‘ Down Sir ’ Snell 's pit-bulls .
12 It had made the Marchese a small fortune when he sold it to the deputy of the English connoisseur in Naples who was going to ship it away in boxes ; it was being stripped from the walls when the Government heard of it and came and sealed up the villa again , but not before one of the intermediaries had sliced enough off the top of the deal to pay his passage to America , promising to send after him for his family .
13 I made a great bonfire of it and stood and watched it burn until every trace of him was wiped off the face of the earth . ’
14 We saw a lady wading towards it and inquired if it was hers .
15 The priest made us sit next to him on footstools ; he bent his red face towards us and whispered that we should become the angels of our homes and his .
16 We would not have considered the orders today if the Opposition had not prayed against them and agreed that they should be debated with the main affirmative orders .
17 They slammed the door behind them and panted and smiled in the darkness .
18 I tried to turn in behind him but found that I was going to overshoot and pulled away to starboard .
19 He shut the door quickly behind him and came and sat on the small wooden chair in the corner .
20 Jesus left heaven behind him and came and offended the traditions of the church .
21 Before he could reach out and stab him as he planned , and then kill his companion too , and with support from his companions , seize the cannon himself , he heard a scream of pain behind him and realised that another of his fellow fighters had fallen from the ring fence on to the ground .
22 Leith sank down into a chair the moment the outer door had closed behind him and discovered that she was trembling .
23 I was so green I did n't know what was behind it and boasted that I could become Judge 's Baby when I got back to the dressing-room .
24 A week ago the garrison there made a sally against us and surrounded and took a company of our men . ’
25 I had wondered how a man in his right mind could want to be with me and decided that no girl in her right mind would want to be with him .
26 I know enough about men and boats to behave immaculately with them and stood where placed until the serious show business of the lock manoeuvres were completed and we were full straight ahead in the ruffled unconstrained waters of Loch Ness heading for Inverness .
27 He took her to the airport nurse , who could find nothing wrong with her but agreed that she might be suffering from jet lag and needed only to rest .
28 After Lulu had rung off , Charlotte thought about the four letters Beatrix had left with her and reflected that the contents of two were still a complete mystery .
29 Tamar laughed with her and realised that she felt less depressed about the forthcoming confinement after this little spell of humour .
30 I agreed with her and thought that her comments were eminently sensible .
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