Example sentences of "[prep] [pers pn] [verb] at the " in BNC.

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1 The allegation of the defence had to be met and properly dealt with , so the matter would be returned to the justices for them to look at the circumstances and come to a proper determination after they had heard further evidence .
2 The greatest of the epilogues for me comes at the end of Don Quixote where Quixote says , ‘ I have battled , I have made mistakes , but I have lived my life as best I can according to the world as I see it , and now … ’ .
3 He is too useful for me to discard at the present time .
4 ‘ As I was blind , it was arranged for me to stay at the organiser 's house .
5 Yes there were criticism but it 's not appropriate for me to comment at the moment .
6 56-56 Spencer , and came right towards me looking at the ground , then looking up quick as he must have sensed me .
7 The three of them looked at the dark-dressed figure of their brother , his head back , as he stared at the huge oil painting of highland cattle hanging on the broad stone wall of the fireplace , and he answered , ‘ I do n't know , Reggie .
8 Both of them looked at the stain on the carpet in silence .
9 But with the change of rules meaning Warwickshire have to let one of them go at the end of the season , which one will it be ?
10 And the contact turned into an embrace without either of them looking at the other or talking , they just put their arms around each other .
11 She eventually found one who was also an art collector and paid him for operating on her with her own works of art , most of them created at the Fine Arts School of Dijon where she teaches .
12 ‘ The piste is like this , ’ said one of them kicking at the sand .
13 Erm , she started really by , well th well there is two of them involved at the time , but they started by reading a book on the subject and really just talking to me about it certainly , because I mean they really did n't understand , you know because food to them is just food , you know it was just some meal they had to eat because they were hungry and they could n't understand why I had got this whole thing completely distorted .
14 The truth is that as painters and as a man and a woman , they were engaged , during these years , in the same adventure which turned out to be more fatal than either of them realised at the time .
15 The first dazed rabbits came out ; two of them bleeding at the nose , looking otherwise unharmed but staggering , almost -falling .
16 At least that is one message 1500 of them gape at the first ever BAYSDAY , held earlier this month at various institutions in London 's museum heartland .
17 Instead she pointed out what she thought was happening in the session and the need for all of them to look at the problems in a constructive way .
18 Battle-weary after the 4 hour 42 minute match , which had finished , it was little wonder that the two of them embraced at the net as 15,000 rose as one to acclaim such magnificent entertainment .
19 His companions were both in their forties , one of them greying at the temples , a squat , powerfully built man ; the other was a tall gangling individual with deep set eyes which remained fixed on Hitch the whole time .
20 Her father and mother were sitting tensely on the sofa , Omi at the table , upright , disdain on her fine features , Bodo , huge against the wall , and all of them staring at the stubby , shabby , ash-stained figure of Marx , blinking through his red eyes at the document and reading aloud in an artificially solemn voice , practised in legal jargon and with which he , no doubt , had read out a hundred , a thousand , such documents .
21 The two of them arrived at the broken gate of a house even more rackety than its peeling neighbours .
22 Even the Committee felt low , not one of them arrived at the next schedule meeting !
23 Both of them smiled at the device .
24 An antediluvian handful of hon. Members , many of them retiring at the next election , are not keen on these matters , but they are a diminishing and insignificant number .
25 In fairness none of them appeared at the Berlin show that began only two days after Paris , a show signalling a new frontier for the German manufacturers , who may just , in 10 years ' time , give the French as much to think about as the Japanese do .
26 ‘ Virtually all of them jumped at the opportunity to make a meaningful contribution to the scheme . ’
27 All four cameras scheduled for use in this episode are positioned on their ‘ A ’ positions , three of them aimed at the set on which the first scene will be acted out .
28 ‘ Bragad wants the pair of you present at the council .
29 And I mean I think women tend to be inv having to cope with things like school and er and health and you know they 're a at the grass roots if you like of you know at the receiving end of you know say cuts in in services like that and bus services and just quality of rural life and I mean the quality of life in Blaenau is depopulation and unemployment and you know and and in a sense there is lot of scope for women to break down the barriers of you know cos it is true that the the Councillors they 're supposed to represent the people or whatever tend to be quite well to do they 've done it thank you very much and then oh you know they 've got the time on their hands and they tend to be men and s school ex school teachers ex You know and they 're not having to cope with really situations that go will put them in touch with what it 's like not to have a bus service or not to have proper health care and this sort of thing you know .
30 Before some of you scoff at the obscurity of such a subject , let me tell you what the preacher meant ( or rather what I think the preacher meant ) by it .
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