Example sentences of "[prep] [pers pn] [verb] that [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Now for me to say that Gerry Addams is a member of the I R A , I 'm not gon na to do that .
2 At this time , it was great triumph for me to find that Rachel could bear her beloved Jacob no children .
3 ‘ What she did say , though , was enough for me to know that Leith and I wo n't be moving to London . ’
4 It was strange to think that none of them knew that Arabella was dead ; her absence made no difference to their lives .
5 One of them said that Andrus normally took his money away in a small bag , one he could conceal under his gown , it 's safer that way .
6 Petrovich found in her interviews with the children , that if she started off asking them about " God " , as a word which they had learned , the majority of them said that God was a man .
7 Some of them said that Carolan was a kind of licensed political buffoon , not to be taken seriously , and that in some ways his wild oratory was a useful escape valve in a complex society .
8 All the fathers of the early church saw the Devil as holding rights over this world , but some of them believed that God had to pay him his dues in order to win back the world .
9 Many of them believed that Eldorado 's launch in July was six months too early .
10 Some of them believed that NASA had arranged it all for precisely that reason .
11 All of them agreed that Mrs Shaw who was ‘ one of the best ’ , helped Mr Shaw tremendously with his plays .
12 " Now then … in 1959 your husband came to the conclusion , and I am given to understand that you fully agreed , that it would be a sensible step for him to take employment for 15 months with a construction firm in Central America , in order to save the larger part of his salary Nenna protested that she had never exactly thought it sensible , it was the parting of lovers , which must always be senseless , but they 'd both of them thought that David , Panama , would be a wretched place to take small children to .
13 How observant of you to spot that Terry Wade 's shorts were a different colour and to suspect this was a tactical ploy .
14 Serve him right , Virginia thought uncharitably , but some buried corner of her rejoiced that Guy had told the truth , at least on that score …
15 How reasonable of him to admit that Scotland is , as it always was , a separate and distinct nation .
16 None of us realized that Badoglio , who had ordered the armed forces to resist the Germans , had already fled Italy , together with the King , and left it leaderless .
17 Even then , Terry and I used to have arguments when one of us discovered that Gary had knowledge of things that only the two of us knew .
18 All three of us know that John has a secret .
19 Defender Andrei Ivanov said : ‘ It would be very wrong of us to think that Spartak have already qualified for the quarter-finals .
20 It may be comforting for you to know that God understands EXACTLY how you feel .
21 She heard him call out and by the barks behind her knew that Hector followed .
22 Jacques caught up with me to say that Tante Héloise , who 'd gone to her room with a supposed migraine , had disappeared too , and Ernestine was having hysterics . ’
23 When they reached Sukarno 's residence , Sjahrir burst in upon them to say that Japan was sueing for peace .
24 The coward in me hopes that Pendero gets beaten in an honest race this afternoon .
25 For example , subjects were able to remember whether a character had been referred to by name or by pronominal reference ( as in , He wo n't leave Rachel 's room / Mac wo n't leave Rachel 's room ) and whether an utterance had contained a full clausal unit or an abbreviated elliptical clause ( as in You mean that Jamie does n't know that his mother is in the hospital yet ? / You mean that Jamie does n't know that yet ? ) .
26 A little voice inside her whispered that Luke had never intended his generous words to be taken literally .
27 Eventually he met a boy almost distressed with diffidence who told him enough for him to conclude that Lorton was much too far away for comfort .
28 But , as he revealed later , it did not take long for him to realise that Paris was no more inspirational to him than Barnsley , so he returned to northern England and entered show business as a singer and pianist .
29 I think it was a great relief for him to think that Tony DeFries would deal with things and all he had to do was deal with his artistry .
30 Obviously a writer who is happy with ‘ super-refined ’ ( elsewhere he says that Eliot 's ‘ Portrait of a Lady ’ is ‘ extraordinarily sensitized ’ ) is not a critic worth pausing on for long ; and yet when Untermeyer cites all too patent imitations of Eliot 's ‘ Sweeney Among the Nightingales ’ in quatrains by Osbert Sitwell and Herbert Read and Robert Nichols , one can see good reason for him to think that Eliot s reputation , achieved so fast on such a slender body of work , was no more than modish .
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