Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] in [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , it is through data collection and searching for patterns in those data that theory is elaborated .
2 Would nt it be better for clubs in this sort of situation to be able to loan young players on an extended basis .
3 They are popularly associated with Christmas , but have great value for musicians in all kinds of music .
4 Let be the planned rate of money supply growth and be the private sector 's expected rate of planned money supply growth , then the standard form for preferences in this game are :
5 But some people have to wait much longer for operations in some places than in others and the system can be insensitive to individual needs .
6 Once you 've done that what we actually do is to look for for sub-patterns in those tuples .
7 However , if one looks at the size of family , the findings are fairly consistent : in the 1948 French study , for instance , housewives with one child put in on average a seventy-eight-hour week ; in the 1950 British study a sixty-seven-hour week , and in the present study a seventy-one-hour week was the average figure for housewives in this group .
8 The ‘ interviewer ’ should use some of the questions suggested for interviewers in that section .
9 Adults can be eligible for apprenticeships in this area and information can be obtained from the Construction Industry Training Board ( CITB ) , Careers Advisory Service , Bircham Newton , Kings Lynn , Norfolk , TE31 6RH .
10 The problem for researchers in this country has been getting enough Yew to carry out their work .
11 Richard Langhorn , the No. 8 whose stitches resulted in a letter of complaint to Swansea by Harlequins , has been passed fit to play for Quins in this weekend 's First Division game at Bedford .
12 Lead Versus Health , edited by Michael Rutter and Robin Russell Jones , is written in a much more scientific and reasonable manner , and its 15 chapters , by various experts who are well-known as researchers in this field , give as comprehensive and impartial a survey of the evidence ( including new evidence ) as we are likely to get from any source .
13 It is all too easy for accounts in this period to be dominated by two issues — the transfer of the British commitment in Greece to the United States in February–March 1947 ( followed by the formulation of the Truman Doctrine ) , and the angry Anglo-American exchanges over Palestine and the creation of Israel .
14 Federal spending on mass public transport was set to rise slightly , from $3,200 million a year to $3,300 million by 1996 , but the overall federal funding for projects in this sector was to be cut sharply [ see budget proposals above ] .
15 Increased allocation of government research and industrial development funds for projects in this field ; union involvement in research allocation .
16 The problem with drawing distinctions between cases in this way is that the chance circumstance that a particular case falls into one of these categories does not seem to justify the difference between compensation and no-compensation for illegality .
17 One of the reasons advanced for the absence of meaningful work for prisoners in some administrations is that of the resentment of the outside world .
18 For groups in this position the right to take part in politics represents little more than the right to whistle in the wind .
19 Indeed , arrangements of four related motifs ( or figures ) accompanied by simple , concentric banded decoration had a particular appeal for clients in this region ( the pavement from Malton , pI .
20 Philip Gray returns to the attack alongside Jimmy Quinn and Iain Dowie as Bingham goes for goals in this World Cup Group Three encounter .
21 Platt was soon on the mark after leading out an England team sporting a new strip and aiming to go for goals in this Group II encounter .
22 Platt was soon on the mark after leading out an England team sporting a new strip and aiming to go for goals in this Group II encounter .
23 There was some rivalry between nations in this process , as there was in all economic penetration .
24 1.4 Figures for units in all types of pre-service education specifically on language are shown in Table 2 .
25 This meant that schools received standard sums as either Major or Minor awards , regardless of differences in the scale of need between schools in either category .
26 The US Congress had called for concessions in these areas as a condition for renewing China 's most-favoured-nation ( MFN ) trading status in 1992 [ see p. 38339 ] .
27 Canals within the algae stand out as rods in this kind of preservation , which is common in Ordovician rocks .
28 We had learnt to ride by the time we were four , and we rode everywhere ; no one went for walks in those days .
29 It is possible for sixth-form students in British secondary schools to take the Advanced- ( ‘ A ’ — ) level examination for school-leavers in such subjects as philosophy or economics or sociology , but it is not at all common , and incoming university students of these subjects usually begin at the beginning , with open minds but with the necessary commitment to learning .
30 He emphasized the need for guidelines in all aspects of industrial relations and continued :
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