Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] be [verb] or " in BNC.

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1 discuss the relative merits of the interrelationships between objects being constrained or unconstrained .
2 This approach becomes difficult to use and understand when a large number of entities are displayed or when knowledge of the surfaces or solid parameters is necessary for the problem solution .
3 The government must subsidise the rendering industry in order to avert the serious environmental threat posed by thousands of animals being abandoned or buried in the countryside , according to an investigating commission .
4 In the weeks leading up to the anniversary , police had been active throughout Beijing , and there were many reports of dissidents being beaten or detained .
5 Factional hostility was so great in 1921 as to produce full-scale conflict between the Irkutsk faction and its opponents ; Russian forces intervened to support the Irkutsk group and hundreds of Koreans were killed or wounded .
6 Since 1965 , when the Communist party of Indonesia was blamed for an attempted coup and banned , and hundreds of thousands of communists were killed or sent to prison , the legal instrument most often used to curb political offences has been the Anti-Subversion Law .
7 Mr Smith retorted : ‘ It is abundantly clear that you either do n't know how many billions of pounds were lost or you are unwilling to tell us . ’
8 During the second half of the sixteenth century , hundreds of medieval sculptures and carved images of saints were destroyed or removed , the colourful wall-paintings which had decorated most churches were whitewashed , stained glass was shattered or taken away , and the rood lofts which had held up the great crucifixes and figures of the Virgin Mary and St John were pulled down .
9 It had been decided that while certain HN units and courses should be developed by colleges , SCOTVEC would undertake to develop HN units and courses particularly in those areas where a significant number of colleges were invited or where units of wider application could be identified .
10 Radio Lebanon reported on Aug. 24 that a number of civilians were killed or wounded in the subsequent SLA barrage , during which , according to some sources , regular Lebanese soldiers ( deployed in the south since July — see p. 38360 ) clashed with SLA fighters .
11 The newspapers are sadly filled with instances of girls being assaulted or murdered in broad daylight on lonely walks home .
12 From the beginning of the reign of King Richard I in 1189 the method was revived and , from that time onwards , has been the accepted way of expressing the year date in civil government and other documents ; the form being , for example , that names of signatories are subscribed or the seal affixed ‘ this first day of July in the Thirtyseventh year of the Reign of Our Sovereign Lady Elizabeth the Second … and in the year of Our Lord One thousand and nine hundred and eighty eight . ’
13 Despite their many differences , deep ecology , animal welfare , and anti-cruelty have some fundamental similarities , the most important of which is that individuals are morally expendable — expendable for the deep ecologist as long as the good of the biotic community is sustained or promoted , expendable for the animal welfarist as long as the welfare of others is protected or advanced , and expendable for those who accept the anti-cruelty position , as long as worthy ends are not obtained by means that cause excessive suffering .
14 Tens of thousands were killed or ‘ disappeared ’ ; thousands of others were displaced or forced into exile as successive military governments sought to eliminate any potential source of political sympathy or logistical support for the armed opposition .
15 Despite their spartan , isolated lifestyle , there are no stories of women being raped or wanton violence against civilians .
16 Over the past few years , total occupied floor space has declined by 9.2m as a result of facilities being closed or consolidated .
17 They date from a period of cataclysmic turmoil , when Palestine was ravaged by war , the Holy City and most sacred shrine of Judaism was destroyed , all records were scattered and people 's memories of events were blurred or modified by more recent occurrences .
18 This form of modern-day slavery also exists in the Dominican Republic where thousands of Haitians are bought or rounded up by the military to work in appalling conditions on sugar-cane plantations .
19 P. A. Zaionchkovskii calculated for the period June 1861 to December 1863 that even if the number of incidents in which troops were used against peasants is doubled or tripled ( which may be a legitimate procedure in view of the possibility of under-reporting ) , no more than 4 per cent of the places where peasants lived were affected .
20 This means that revenue is recognized as services are rendered and expenses are recognized as efforts are expended or services used to obtain the revenue , regardless of when cash is received or disbursed .
21 The drugs prescribed to relieve an attack force the respiratory passages to allow air in and out , but until the conflict about feelings is resolved or another outlet found , attacks will recur .
22 IF you have had problems with operations being cancelled or been waiting too long for an operation , please contact the EADT newsdesk on 0473 282387 .
23 He said : ‘ It works like the football league with bands being promoted or moving down .
24 I ca n't understand it , what if some people with families been evicted or chucked out or whatever ?
25 We have then no reason to be surprised if the distinction between ascription and association in adjectives is overlooked or mistakenly supposed to be a matter of " nuances of meaning " , rather than being recognized as a systematic variation .
26 Two in five elderly people involved in accidents are killed or sustain serious injury .
27 Some people say we farm people get used to animals being hurt or killed , but that 's just not true .
28 This was because , under article 1 , the Treaty related only to persons being accused or convicted of offences committed within the territory of the requesting party .
29 The argument is that serious sexual assaults , and the attitude of many men towards them , derive from a male-dominated approach to sexuality in which aggressive sexual behaviour by males is praised or condoned whilst women are associated with passivity .
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