Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] from [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Any law which directly or indirectly discourages the publication of views from within the criminal justice system must be viewed with suspicion .
2 He could hear only a faint murmur of voices from behind the closed door .
3 There are numerous varieties of mustards from around the world , although Dijon in France is acknowledged as the mecca of the trade and is still said to produce almost 50 per cent of the world 's mustard .
4 It brought in a record number of entries from around the Group — but only four were correct !
5 Bankrolled by the city government and powered by a marketing blitz in the bible belt , these annual blockbusters in the downtown convention centre have attracted hundreds of thousands of visitors from throughout the region and beyond , outpacing concurrent exhibitions at the major US museums .
6 ‘ The producer listened to a lot of bands from around the North-East and he was very impressed with our music , ’ said Dave .
7 There are other ways people have tried to protect the minority , one is by saying that the , that you can generate a certain set of rights from within the democratic procedure in a different way , that is if democracies flourish people need certain liberties , people need to express their own opinions , people need to be able to do what erm assemble where they need to and so on but more common is the view that democracy should be limited by constitutional would present the minority and this is a view that Mill does n't really defend in representative government although it seems to be very close to his view and on liberty , that is we limit the spear that this government has control over so we ca n't , so in this view erm democracy is given a very limited role .
8 Usually Hunton and Whitehall supplied the four wheel lorries but lots of farmers from up the highlands supplied carts .
9 Care in the community implies the use of statutory resources provided in clients ' own homes ; care by the community is associated with the mobilization of resources from within the community ( voluntary organizations and informal carers such as friends , neighbours and kin ) .
10 The deployment of current resources within a coherent , unified service , the adaptation of the use to which off-site units are put , the mobilization of resources from within the special schools sector and the imaginative employment of in-service training each provide some opportunity for developments in the very immediate future .
11 It seems likely that the future of the cooperatives will depend greatly on the identification and training of managers from within the local communities , which would not only strengthen the ties with these communities but also provide useful employment opportunities .
12 This tax invoice now assumes many of the characteristics we have come to associate with an internal VAT invoice , for not only will it show the customer 's VAT number , it will also be used by the UK acquirer of goods from within the EC as evidence to recover acquisition tax .
13 Like any other European colonialists , they were content to rely upon the services of interpreters from among the local people as they advanced farther into unknown territory .
14 With such a wide range of displays from around the world in one massive exhibition there is something for everyone of all ages and interests .
15 The group of councillors from across the political divide were selling appeal raffle tickets in Darlington town centre to show their support for the day centre .
16 And on top of all that were the meetings of groupings from around the globe , with early morning delegation meetings to talk tactics ( and more of same late each evening ) .
17 The society 's board of trustees is hoping that at least part of the funds it needs by June will come from government sources : in response to a stampede of scholars from around the world who invaded the library in what were to be its final days last month , local government provided an emergency $66,000 to keep the library open until 2 April .
18 The show will have exhibits of orchids from around the world , including spectacular displays from Japan , New Zealand and Brazil , Papua New Guinea and the Far East , home of some of the finest orchid species in the world .
19 The Committee thought that these principles might be satisfied by using a series of tests from about the age of 14 .
20 You can work at your own pace and choose from a wide range of flowers from around the world .
21 In May a two-day international discussion held on the electronic mail networks linked thousands of children from around the world .
22 What I 'm arguing for tonight is that given that we 've relatively recent boundary change , the people have just about got used to it , so by and large er it does n't seem to have huge numbers of demerits as far as the city is concerned and that we are now very , very close , as close as is possible to the norm for the average constituency size that we actually endorse the boundary commissions proposals and leave well alone and the second part of the motion merely says to a neighbouring authority , y'know , please in some senses be punctilious about not to suddenly decide to poke your noses into something way beyond your it 's not just a couple of parishes on the south boundary , a couple of parishes from from the north of their but actually way to our area but what candidly I can only see as a rather partisan er er
23 Presumably we would only be in a position to be considering an investigator if both , we had a erm a greater number of complaints from around the Commission coming into York , and i and further members of staff were to leave .
24 The advocate depute , Roderick Macdonald , said : ‘ One of the more unsavoury features of this case is that Badenoch recruited a series of sub-dealers from among the youth of the area who were not previously involved in drugs . ’
25 The San Salvador Central Market occupation lasted for 12 days , from 11 to 23 December 1979 , and a number of hostages from among the administrative personnel were held in the offices .
26 Jerry , 29 , caters for guests from around the world as head chef at Courtaulds ' Training , Education and Development Centre in Woodside near Coventry .
27 Paul , 36 , said he was proud to have won the title against guards from across the UK and Eire .
28 Their teams will be pitting their skills against competitors from around the world — including a 200-strong team of Russian businessmen and women — in 22 sports ranging from softball to dragonboat racing .
29 This was the work originally of the military order of Hospitallers , who established themselves here , at this confluence of the two valleys of Baréges and Gavarnie , in the twelfth century and built a miniature citadel , fortifying it as a defence against raids from across the mountains by Aragonese brigands .
30 The series , currently in production at Central , features Tom singing and talking with performers from across the musical spectrum .
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