Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] have [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Nigel Clough 's arrival at Liverpool , Wales ' World Cup prospects and his natural thirst for goals has left the Reds ' striker itching for action in a season which could turn out to be a memorable .
2 The charges for prescriptions have seen the sharpest rise — an increase of no less than 1,425 per cent between 1979 and 1990 .
3 At a crossroads three miles from the square that for centuries has represented the heart of imperial Russia , the independent marchers were told by police that Red Square was out of bounds .
4 The tribeswoman will doubtless have deep feelings for her children and be ambitious for their success in life , and affection and admiration for animals has had a place in all societies , even in that of Ancient Rome .
5 His political troubles deepened at the weekend after conservatives had won a series of victories at an emergency session of the legislature , the Congress of People 's Deputies , which had paved the way for his powers to be curbed .
6 For example , in areas of the South Pacific it is not uncommon for parents to have to relinquish a new baby to admiring kin who have claimed it ( Sahlins 1976b ; Silk 1980 ) .
7 FORECASTS of the highest tides for decades have prompted an Essex council to distribute flood warning leaflets to people living in low-lying areas .
8 A team of experts had examined the nuclear plant at Kozloduy , north of the capital , Sofia , and warned that four of the six reactors there were so unsafe that " continued operation would be imprudent " .
9 A troupe of experts has toured the country giving their views over periods of several days and as a result some courts have convicted and others have acquitted .
10 There , paradoxically , the complex of reasons had included the need to focus on the interests of minorities and avoid racism : presumably Una Marson 's poems would have been safe with them .
11 This set of essays has sketched the development , from small but imaginative beginnings , of a major Modular Course with significant institutional support .
12 The durability of coins has ensured the survival of these images from poorly documented periods and has thereby provided , as was realised in the Renaissance , a unique memorial to the achievements and history of the past .
13 Since interest rates started falling millions of homeowners have had the chance to remortgage their home and pocket lower interest deals .
14 A year after a referendum failed to endorse proposed sweeping restrictions on hunting [ see ED no. 35/36 ] , the Italian Chamber of Deputies has approved a bill cutting the hunting season by three months , restricting hunters to designated reserves and limiting the number of species which can be killed .
15 For sociological grouping of religions has encouraged an attitude of defining each over against others .
16 A team of researchers has completed a tour of more than four hundred public houses across the country .
17 Two independent groups of researchers have reported the presence of a rectal motor complex , but no patterns of cyclic motility have been reported from the anal canal .
18 The lingering of the ‘ frontier ’ myth and the easy availability of firearms have led the police often to shoot first and make enquiries second .
19 Some species of birds have developed the ability to distinguish between model and mimic and will feed on the imposters .
20 A large number of pickets have manned the factory gates over the last eight weeks .
21 However , White , in this issue , argues that private actions have played an important role in the development of more effective antitrust in the US , and that the recent decline in the number of cases has allayed the fears , expressed in the 1980s , of excessive litigation .
22 The geographical destinations of exports have shown a swing towards the EC .
23 From the middle of the eighteenth century onwards a growing chorus of voices had championed the creation of a professional police .
24 On a happier note , Wharfedale 's own brand of loudspeakers has won the Dutch Audio & Video Totaal Award for innovation in loudspeaker systems .
25 Subsequent allegations of mishandling of funds had led the government to intervene through the socialist people 's prosecutor .
26 Subjectively , a number of fishkeepers have noticed an improvement in the health and behaviour of their fish .
27 Encouragingly the past couple of months have seen an upturn in measured revenues .
28 The volume of beer sold through Greenall 's pubs over the last couple of months has shown a fall on 1988 levels , said the group financial director , Mr Michael Davis , as he unveiled profits up 10.5 per cent to £52million for the year to September .
29 If there was a Libyan involved , the police proceedings were accompanied by self-help action , although the influx of foreigners had created a number of potential offenders and victims who did not fit into the system .
30 A number of journalists have overlaid the evangelical/secular distinction with a generational difference .
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