Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] or [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In this computerised version of the classroom favourite each opponent has the ability to plant mines , sweep for mines or even have submarines that dive .
2 There had been too many occasions on which she had tried to please , hoped for hugs or even smiles , times when she had practised the piano and cleaned her room assiduously , only to be met by jibes , or slaps , or worse still , beatings .
3 It might not matter in the end — Forester fully expected to be traced and caught-but every difficulty and delay that he could strew behind him could make a final difference of hours or even minutes that might determine the distinction between success or failure .
4 It must have taken a couple of hours or more to reach the machan , a platform raised on poles .
5 It was applied against the discriminatory laws of the Transvaal Government , one of which required Indians to procure a certificate of registration from the Registrar of Asiatics or else face the threat of deportation .
6 Although crew cuts had been around forever , all-over short hair of ½″ or less started in about '64 & was a conservative-suit-mod staple until '68 when it went even shorter — ¼″ and less & in '69 near-shaven styles ( baldness never caught on ) ½″ or so of hair in the 60s was not as noteworthy as a backward glance might suggest — because long hair got all the publicity , you 'd think that everyone below 25 grew their hair long .
7 While temples built in the later eighteenth century may have stood in a naturalistic landscape inspired by the paintings of Claude , earlier garden buildings almost certainly stood in more formal settings , and fragments of avenues or long overgrown yew and beech hedges may remain .
8 ‘ This is one of the Australian birds ’ , noted Gould in his Handbook , ‘ which particularly attracted the notice of the earlier voyagers to that country , by nearly every one of whom it is mentioned as being very plentiful on all the islands in Bass 's Straits , and so tame that it might be easily knocked down with sticks or even captured by hand ; during my sojourn in the country I visited many of the localities above mentioned , and found that , so far from being still numerous , it is almost extirpated ; I killed a pair on Isabella Island , one of a small group near Flinder 's Island , on the 12th January 1839 . ’
9 This teleprinter machine was a temperamental beast and had to be carefully watched to make sure it did n't run out of paper , or chew it into shreds or otherwise make a mess of things , and it was one of our duties as Met Assistants to keep it in order .
10 Or the curious dentelle de cire or literally ‘ wax lace ’ : mourning candles resembling strings of pasta which could be wound tightly into packages or else extended and draped .
11 The aim of the new centre , Arena Arctica , is to collect and process date from space brought down with balloons or specially equipped aircraft from altitudes of 35 kilometres .
12 The area was featureless for precision flying , with large square fields either filled with cattle or recently ploughed after the wheat harvest .
13 Each classroom is built of sticks and foliage and is either carefully camouflaged under trees or else dug into the sides of rocky hills .
14 The Daily Mirror has been right all along in accusing Pakistani cricketers of obtaining extra swing over the years through illegally roughening one side of the ball by scratching it with fingernails or even ripping the red leather surface .
15 No more than kings , did bishops and abbots rule primarily through bureaucracies or closely defined legal powers .
16 develop community resources such as lodgings or neighbourly help
17 Most of us tend to see things as wholes or else to analyse them into the obvious parts .
18 Tracy , normal to ask for comments or just to accept the ?
19 Many were wearing their Sunday best , the ladies in hats or newly pressed headscarves , the gents in overcoats and polished shoes .
20 They went off in groups or individually to try three buttons .
21 Now I asked them to work in pairs or individually to find the arrangements of ten fences .
22 The assets of these schemes are held in trusts or separately administered funds .
23 Firstly , NHS funded care in trusts or directly managed units is identified by way of the contract minimum data set .
24 Practical consciousness describes the occasions when a person knows about the situation he or she is in , and how to behave appropriately , but expresses this in actions or perhaps clichéd words .
25 Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables — preferably unskinned , well scrubbed and raw in salads or lightly cooked .
26 The results of a study carried out by Johns ( 1991 ) suggest that in this genre simple verbs without modals or closely linked prepositional phrases are regularly fronted while long and syntactically complex subjects are not .
27 His office , which works in fine arts , craft , film and video and photography , may proffer straight advice on projects or simply point applicants in the right direction for funding .
28 Documents must not be handed to drivers or otherwise issued with blank spaces for recording particulars of tare weights or net weights .
29 Some idea of relative size and hierarchical organisation is important , although without earthworks or clearly defined areas of finds this is often difficult to assess .
30 His contributions to the Narkomnats journal showed how far he was from accepting the Party line on nationalities or even understanding some of the basic Marxist concepts .
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