Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] [conj] [vb past] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I do n't think I would have ever thought any more about it , except that years later my mother was reading a novel about gypsies and discovered that Dohti was an old Romany name .
2 A notable illustration of this complexity even among hard-core racists was the NF official who pointed out that he had been elected by both black and white work mates , despite his well-known NF affiliation , because he fought equally hard for blacks and whites ; he claimed a liking for blacks and maintained that he played football and drank with them , although politically he supported repatriation .
3 The Report acknowledged the problems involved in determining the levels of difficulty and complexity in the work that has to be carried out in the social services and the barriers that exist to sharing this work among different kinds of personnel but concluded that ‘ nevertheless , some distinction in work levels is possible and necessary in our view , and this is most practicable where there is close teamwork and an emphasis on ‘ team responsibility' ’ for cases , ( pp. 137–8 ) .
4 He had heard stories of security forces planting illegal objects during searches of houses and hoped that his presence might help to safeguard against it .
5 When the marker of comparison is deleted , the text reflects the perceptions of the people , as on the occasion when Lok and Fa hear an echo , and the narrator reports " their words had flown away from them like a flock of birds that circled and multiplied mysteriously … they stood … while the birds flew farther and farther away … ( p. 81 ) .
6 On the other hand , Flourens ( in Phillips , Zeki , and Barlow 1984 ) removed various parts of the forebrains of birds and found that the degree of disturbance of behaviour was very much more a function of how much brain was removed than which part was eliminated .
7 I looked in a table of isotopes and found that the concentration of deuterium is 1.5 parts of 10 000 ( parts of ordinary water ) .
8 All four studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of these types of programmes and found that anxiety levels fell significantly .
9 In 1976 , Henry Blake published the first of a number of books that showed that he had studied the horse 's mind in depth .
10 He issued a detailed list of demands and said that the government 's response would determine the speed with which genuine negotiations could resume .
11 In 1815 he returned to Karlovci to collect material for a second song book , which later inspired a glowing review from Jakob Grimm , in which he compared the Serbian love songs to Solomon 's Song of Songs and wrote that the ‘ Serbs are by virtue of their language … the most blessed with poems , songs and stories , and it looks as if the good God had , by this rich gift of popular poetry , wished to make up to them for their lack of books . ’
12 I have formally to decline such offers and shame on the correspondent who said that he had a pair of longjohns that flashed as he took them off and I was welcome to observe the spectacle at any time .
13 H'eye tech — mascara is the one make-up item few women would be without and we 've come a long way since the days of mascaras that smudged or flaked around the eyes .
14 Lord Lane paid tribute to his ‘ team ’ of judges and revealed that over the past four years he had reviewed almost 1,500 life sentences — a task he had been unable to delegate and which he willingly relinquished to his successor , Lord Justice Taylor .
15 My partner then called out a number of articles and asked if they were the chosen one .
16 The research has given rise to a series of more or less operational online catalogues , three fairly lengthy reports and a number of articles and published and unpublished talks .
17 The winter of commissions that promoted or predicted a sovereign Quebec has faded .
18 A number of writers have concentrated upon the psychological make-up of individuals and indicated that we need to be aware of the individual 's nature .
19 His first significant speech was in August 1625 , when he opposed a grant of subsidies and suggested that proper enforcement of the recusancy laws would provide the king with a more than adequate revenue .
20 The zoetrope span smoothly , time 's Chief Designer narrowed the legs of trousers and decreed that the cars should be more aerodynamic .
21 Cronin 's study of catalogue non-users sought to determine the characteristics and attitudes of non-users and found that , " Non-use does not appear to be a function of personal dissatisfaction with any aspect of the library services or staff .
22 Graham studied the rates of effusion of gases and found that the relative rates of effusion of different gases under the same conditions are inversely proportional to the square roots of their densities .
23 In the weeks that followed he built up a regular round of customers and boasted that it was better than going to work , especially on cold winter mornings .
24 Brower then offered viceroys to both classes of jays and recorded whether they avoided or pecked at them .
25 Most managers disapproved of such a state of affairs and suggested that they would not permit it , but where unions were weak and the competitive pressures upon employers intense , its evidence is understandable .
26 He was however thoroughly in favour of the right development of machines and suggested that machinery should be introduced to some rural communities to take the place of hand looms .
27 In Caparo the House of Lords reviewed the statutory provisions relating to the position of auditors and concluded that although they undoubtedly created a relationship between auditors and shareholders , that relationship did not extend to the protection of all the shareholders ' possible interests .
28 Francis analysed the hierarchy of rooms and commented that the servants ' attic bedrooms were both smallest in size and farthest from the front door .
29 The general loved watching her ; she was totally insatiable , yet capable of multi-orgasms that lasted as long as she was making love .
30 Talk of the theatre was normally avoided in front of Bo-Bo because no one liked to suffer the avalanche of tears that flowed when memories of her prematurely terminated career overwhelmed the onetime actress .
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