Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] [conj] [verb] in " in BNC.

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1 as in Tarrow and Suleiman. that in so far as group interests are expressed or mobilised through institutions that survive in the long term .
2 Wilcoxin signed rank test was used to compare pre with postoperative figures and the Mann-Whitney U test to analyse differences between subgroups and controls in symptom scores and results of function tests .
3 There was no significant difference between cases and controls in oral contraceptive use : 12 of the 16 hypertensive women had recorded use of oral contraceptives compared with 13 of the 16 controls .
4 Dust is drawn in through vents and collected in filters .
5 In areas of rocks of varied resistance incised meanders may be preserved in resistant rocks such as limestones and destroyed in areas of weak rocks such as clay : this is more or less as expected since the downstream sweep of the meander belt would destroy the spurs in clay regions .
6 How often have you been lost for words when engaged in the ‘ what sort of strings do you use ’ type of conversation with a newly acquired guitar playing chum you 're eager to impress ?
7 For example , there is a lifecycle for DCs as defined in section 5 of this guide .
8 They took £60 in cash from the one-legged war veteran but Coulton , 18 , learned how Mr Simpson kept his back door unlocked for visitors and returned in September to burgle the house again .
9 If , as we suspect , it is to be found by removing old slate tips in Gwynedd , we would want to register our considerable concern at the impact on these tips , most of which have lain undisturbed for decades and contribute in varying degrees to the local landscape , as well as on the rural road network and communities .
10 If , as we suspect , it is to be found by removing old slate tips in Gwynedd , we would want to register our considerable concern at the impact on these tips , most of which have lain undisturbed for decades and contribute in varying degrees to the local landscape , as well as on the rural road network and communities .
11 In conjunction with several American firms , Clive and Stokes has been involved in developing ISA ( International Search Associates ) which aims to find firms who will adhere to a strict set of rules and co-operate in a manner which will enable the client to have the benefit of local know-how , with less restrictive off-limits constraints , but at the same time have an international outlook .
12 It has been pointed out by feminists that the tradition which depends upon this demarcation line fails to give a satisfactory account of conflicts that arise in the private sphere .
13 At that time I already knew most species of birds that occurred in my village , at least a hundred .
14 The megapodes , a family of birds that lives in Australia and the western Pacific , have developed particularly ingenious techniques of incubation .
15 I always think it would fit in as well in the Mediterranean as in the North Atlantic , because it has the black and white colouring common among all sorts of species of northern bird , and the brightly coloured bill and feet typical of birds that live in hot countries .
16 ACE genotype ( DD more frequent in cases than in controls ) : Population ( different relative frequency of cases and controls in the 4 populations ) : Heterogeneity of ACE genotype effect across populations :
17 Far from extending Darwinian gradualism , the scientists who tried to reconstruct the past had returned to a theory of history that assumed that progress took place through a series of distinct episodes , representing the rise and fall of groups that evolved in parallel rather than in sequence .
18 With the reduction in cost of computer memory it is now possible to convert speech into digital information which is then compressed many hundreds of times and stored in a ROM .
19 Once you 've read it a couple of times and confirmed in your own mind exactly how you want the system to operate , it 's surprisingly easy to get it up and running , and once you have , you 've got a quite capable mini-network to play with .
20 He takes me aside a couple of times and begins in a soft Welsh lilt : ‘ I was thinking , now this might not be a good idea and tell me straight away if you do n't like it … ’
21 It is also helpful to record past trends eg growth in membership , the number of coaches or standing in Commonwealth , European or World rankings .
22 In Chapters 3 and 4 we have been looking at the major groups of institutions that participate in the financial system .
23 While it is in these that we are primarily interested in for the development of teaching material , they are likely to be dependent on the climate of attitudes that prevails in the lesson .
24 It derives from the author 's experience of working for the Agricultural Training Board in an area in the North of Scotland where family and part-time farmers predominate but has been put on a wider footing by detailed investigations of attitudes and needs in eleven counties in England , Wales and Scotland , and by less detailed investigations during visits to Norway , the Federal Republic of Germany and France .
25 Assignment of debts and choses in action .
26 But since it has already written off £5 billion worth of debts and thrown in an extra £1.6 billion ‘ green dowry ’ , that means that the entire industry — with thousands of miles of pipework , reservoirs , leisure land , sewage works and so forth — is being given away for minus £1.4 billion .
27 But since it has already written off £5 billion worth of debts and thrown in an extra £1.6 billion ‘ green dowry ’ , that means that the entire industry — with thousands of miles of pipework , reservoirs , leisure land , sewage works and so forth — is being given away for minus £1.4 billion .
28 If she did ask it would encourage another bout of confidences and result in another round of their sparring .
29 The 37-year-old took an overdose of painkillers and lay in sub-zero conditions with just a sleeping bag .
30 The wildly snaking curves in the left panel are the traces of orbits that lie in the corotation region .
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