Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] [adv] [coord] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Two Haitian navy ships were searching for survivors yesterday and the US Coast Guard dispatched a Falcon jet , a helicopter and two patrol vessels to help .
2 The creditors ' committee is appointed ( except where the official receiver is trustee ) to assist the trustee generally and in particular to determine the trustee 's remuneration , though this power is subject to the overriding jurisdiction of creditors generally and the court .
3 Delegates could choose from the whole range of subjects throughout but the Dance Section had such a wide variety of topics and practical workshops that it hard to find time to fit everything in .
4 The importance of Irwin 's triumph was that it seemed both classical and prototypical — an exemplification of triumphs past and a portent of triumphs to come .
5 It it 's just a league of nations there and every shop is black people in Brixton , but it were a lov , they used to able to get on a a two , three , a fifty nine , or a hundred and fifty three to Oxford Circus on the bus you was there in twenty minutes !
6 he had two lots of antibiotics then and an anaesthetic .
7 Just a tired row of shops opposite and a seedy-looking pub on the corner and a disused laundry with boarded-up windows and a For Sale notice .
8 CELL , FROM Hoboken , New Jersey , slung a 45 out on Thurston Moore 's Ecstatic Peace ! label a couple of months ago and the word on the street was that here comes the New Nirvs !
9 There were a lot of cars now and a lot of lights in the building .
10 The migration seemed largely spontaneous , fuelled by rumours of opportunities abroad and the supposedly imminent imposition of travel restrictions in Albania .
11 Yasuda 's museum attracts thousands of visitors annually and the company 's commitment to art is a continuing one .
12 Now that 's a modern version , again I made that for a couple of years ago but the tradition there was you knitted on hands and you ladies will probably know , four pins , no seams , all on the circular , right up to the neck and then the cast on the sleeve there and again , no seams .
13 My bone marrow was harvested a couple of weeks ago and the whole thing was a piece of cake .
14 The Tropic of Capricorn was a matter of days away and the ice raft was almost gone .
15 Not the Monday a couple of days ago but the one before .
16 rubbing the undersides of chins together or a toast ?
17 He was n't letting her in , she could see racks of magazines behind and a dark wooden counter , bare .
18 There was a beating of wings overhead and a leathery , rustling sound and the slaves cringed and covered their faces .
19 Divergence across the fault leads to subsidence and the formation of shallow , elongated troughs or sags , typically a few tens of metres across and a few hundred metres long , which , many contain a sag pond .
20 Thirdly , it is the intention of AIB Bank Management to introduce a reduction in Staff Costs by the elimination of special payments , by the reduction of London and Large Town Allowances , by the reduction of the standard of flights home and the phasing out of Overseas Allowance .
21 sort of nice sort of boots on and a sweatshirt tucked in and a belt on she looked like a teenager really .
22 The club itself was mainly hippies — art students and hippies — there were a lot of drugs around and the Three Tuns used to stink of dope every week .
23 Might get the lads , you might get a pack of cards again and a did they leave you their cards ?
24 Can my right hon. Friend confirm that the level of Japanese investment in this country runs into billions of pounds and that it underpins tens of thousands of jobs directly and a great many more indirectly ?
25 They will form all sorts of categories too and the worst thing you can do in sa in er negotiating advertising er Richard is to prejudge anybody
26 Across the end of the garage was a workbench with a rack of tools above and a hydraulic jack beneath .
27 You see you 're you 're all talking about contributions in or an ability to pay but based on what ?
28 just like rolls now and a cup of tea
29 For a short section of the trail here , the Snowdonia National Park authority has provided facilities for disabled people — a shale surface to make access for wheelchairs easier and a handrail .
30 We had screens on wheels in latter years at , last few years at school and er he used to go down to the tea room for a cup of tea half way down the stairs , the teachers ' room and perhaps go toilet as well , and er the one at the back was a foot out from the screen and every now and then he 'd have a look to see if he was coming and er we , what had had a big case with birds in and the lads who were doing it looked in this , saw the reflection and shh he 's coming .
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