Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] [conj] would have " in BNC.

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1 To a combustible internal situation in August 1945 was added the beginnings of great power rivalry and animosity , which would ensure that the deadly hatreds within Korean society would be resolved amid a framework of hostility between superpowers that would have profound repercussions for Korea .
2 It would be based on the carbon content of fuels and would have the biggest effect on the coal industry .
3 But he controlled himself — there was a force of mandroids that would have done the controlling , otherwise — and merely snarled a reply that left the old pirate fuming .
4 ‘ Developing countries are afraid funds for combating climate change will come out of funds that would have gone for development aid , ’ says Reddy .
5 Indeed , both he and Valentine see the needs of teleworking providing additional momentum behind the delivery of solutions that would have an equally telling effect on the use of technology that would still go on inside the office .
6 Harley O. Staggers , a Democratic member of the House for West Virginia , initiating a bill proposing a point-of-sale background check which , whilst on the face of it more stringent than the Brady bill , was full of loopholes and would have taken years to implement .
7 For a given outlay of local currency it has ensured a higher value of imports than would have been available under a market valuation of the currency .
8 I had to construct a model that would lead me to a series of questions that would have empirically testable answers which would allow me to deduce an answer to my original question .
9 But his dream of reaching the White House was haunted almost from the start by a series of disclosures that would have wrecked the career of another politician .
10 It would have been impossible for the Falklands War to be prosecuted successfully with every decision coming to the full Cabinet of twenty-three members , a state of affairs that would have taken every other item off the agenda .
11 The convention established the International Civil Aviation Organization with its headquarters in Montreal and set up a secretariat which would become a most effective machine for ensuring that a rapidly developing civil aviation industry was not hampered by the red tape generated by the hundreds of frontiers that would have to be crossed .
12 E&Y 's chairman , Ray Groves , called it ‘ the only realistic solution to an endless stream of lawsuits that would have been even more expensive to defend ’ .
13 Health care of superior quality can vitiate the influence of factors that would have dire effects in the context of poor health and medical standards .
14 The results for high risk junctions illustrate roughly the pattern of findings that would have been consistent with Study 1 .
15 On the substantive point , my hon. Friend will know that I agree with him , for I refused earlier this week to agree in Europe to the sort of laws that would have had the effect my hon. Friend sets out .
16 This new construction can be cultured and develops quite a nice tooth , but now the sheet of cells that would have become the skin of the foot is induced to make enamel .
17 Some women had stockingsful of stones that would have felled a bullock .
18 They compared the actual returns on 60 US mutual funds for the three-year period 1982–4 with returns that would have been made if a specified strategy for investing in S&P500 futures had been followed .
19 They are also prohibited from entering into transactions that would have the effect of altering significantly the assets or liabilities of the company or entering into commitments without consideration .
20 The Dale Farm Olympic Youth Camp , held earlier this month in Antrim , dealt with topics that would have left old timers in sport shaking their head in disbelief .
21 A good one can deal calmly and quickly with situations that would have you losing sleep , your patience , and perhaps the house .
22 They teemed with wonders : individuals blessed with attributes that would have made them , in this , the Fifth Dominion , fit for sainthood , or burning , or both ; cults possessed of secrets that would overturn in a moment the dogmas of faith and physics alike ; beauty that might blind the sun , or set the moon dreaming of fertility .
23 What is quite clear is that after the death of Lanfranc the English monks felt free to assert themselves in ways that would have been impossible while Lanfranc lived .
24 A division of labour , for example , might have been different in ways that would have affected the system of education .
25 Similarly , the need to generate foreign currency has stimulated tourism in regions that would have been virtually inaccessible 15 years ago .
26 Industry analysts consulted about the failure of the deal to sell up to 30% of Electronic Data Systems Corp to British Telecommunications Plc unanimously concurred that the deal was more critical for EDS owner General Motors Corp than for EDS and would have no short-term impact on the world 's largest systems integration company .
27 Certain models have dropped to prices that would have seemed inconceivable even in late 1991 .
28 The amounts as well as qualifying ages have been altered several times since 1986/87 , so any rebate would only apply to allowances that would have been due to you at the time .
29 Furthermore , they 're they can ca n't get any information on deaths that would have occurred from injuries after the war .
30 There is such a trajectory in theory , but it passes through intermediates that would have been — in the short term , which is all that matters — unsuccessful if they had ever been called into existence .
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