Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It is difficult to compare the success of different systems , for reasons including the following :
2 In the United States , for example , there is a discernable preference for products with the technological appeal of a ‘ gadget ’
3 Clearly I had arrived between downpours of the searing acid rain , while none of the local wildlife had come looking for snack in my vicinity .
4 They love the way the story trails away into the postscript about improvements to the mental health service .
5 They act as guardians of the public purse when dealing with members of spending departments who seek additional resources .
6 It was the received wisdom in Edwardian Edinburgh printing offices , and it has been repeated by writers ever since , " that women first entered the trade as strike-breakers during the great print strike of 1872–3 in the city .
7 Furthermore , there is little about splits in the various branches which makes them understandable as a product of conflict between moderate younger activists and older extremists .
8 The venomous exchanges between deputies from the two republics in the Kremlin yesterday offered little hope that reason would prevail .
9 I can confirm that stories about meetings at the party-political level are pure invention .
10 Used to distinguish between ON and OFF pixels in the stored picture .
11 ‘ There is no evidence that Hong Kong is used as a base for activities against the Chinese government , ’ a spokesman said .
12 Bond had been imprisoned for 2@1/2 years in May 1992 [ see p. 38917 ] after being convicted of acting dishonestly during attempts in the late 1980s to rescue Connell 's Rothwells merchant bank .
13 One observation is essential to the construction of a GP box and that is the location of the vanishing point for diagonals of the squared plan grid , VPd , on the eye level .
14 He went further and tied the distances between the sites in with the known distances between planets in the solar system .
15 This procedure permitted comparison between operations in the four countries and projects in the four countries .
16 The attacks featured raids by groups of armed men identified by the Lithuanians as servicemen from the Soviet OMON special militia and from the Soviet army .
17 The hon. Member for Londonderry , East asked about emissions from the chemical incinerator at the Coalite works .
18 The day began at 10 am for rehearsals for the next production but if this proved unsuccessful , it was taken off and the new production rushed on .
19 Erm I did write er as was suggested asking about erm facilities for cyclists in the potential shopping centre development in Bishop 's Stortford .
20 They still did n't want both openers out for ducks in the first two overs , nor Jones to follow for 5 .
21 The book disappoints , however , by its limited use of the large number of books written by or about Canadians in the two World Wars , in which that country made a contribution to Allied arms out of all proportion to her population .
22 But the usage in ( 86 ) and ( 87 ) can be used to reverse the argument , and in general each domain ( space and time ) provides fertile ground for metaphors about the other ( see Chapter 3 below ) .
23 Many developing nations argue that since the industrialized countries are the world 's main polluters , they should pay for improvements in the global environment ; and since they are rich , they should pay for the transfers of technology necessary for the developing countries to reduce greenhouse gas emissions , stop deforestation and carry out other changes .
24 They propose an improved procedure for the handling of bills ; making legislation easier to follow ; and , of course , the cry for improvements in the present Select Committee system .
25 For McLuhan argues that the way our cognitive apparatus works is determined by our ‘ sense ratio ’ , the balance between inputs to the various senses ( aural , visual , tactile , and so on ) .
26 The owners also get various benefits such as copies of the annual report and accounts , the right to attend , speak and propose motions at the annual general meeting , shareholder discounts on the firm 's product , and so on .
27 It had taken a bad beating from the RAF and been widely rebuilt , much of it as copies of the original high-pitched medieval buildings .
28 But , in so far as they are to be seen as sons of the lost primal mother , they clearly represent the manic alternative to the depressive self-punishment of the followers of Cybele or the castrated and killed sons of the Great Mother represented by Attis and Tammuz , by the dead and dismembered Osiris , or the crucified Christ .
29 Small wonder that women worry about the menopause , and that their anxiety is then influenced by social factors such as attitudes about the sexual attractiveness of their ageing bodies , the changing status and role of women as children leave home , and the risk of loneliness and poverty if their marriages should fail as a result .
30 The decorative flatness and the higher colour of Japanese art also follow as products of the same climatic necessity .
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