Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] [noun] to [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The FAO itself flies out 100,000 doses of cattle semen to developing countries each year .
2 At the meeting , which was dominated by exchanges on the conflict in Nagorny-Karabakh [ see pp. 38827-28 ] , the foreign ministers agreed to hold regular joint discussions on political and security concerns in post-Cold-War Europe , on arms control measures , and on the conversion of arms industries to civilian use .
3 Structural adjustment facility This was established in March 1986 to provide balance of payments assistance to low-income developing countries .
4 Until the mid-1970s , additional equity finance was obtained through rights issues to existing stockholders at par rather than market share values making this a less attractive option for corporate borrowers .
5 Opportunities need to be made for individuals to develop good working relationships with others from the different agencies , at all levels from grass-roots workers to senior managers .
6 The aim of this study was to measure the overall plasminogen activator activity and concentrations of individual fibrinolytic system mediators in ascites secondary to alcoholic liver disease or malignancy to gain a greater understanding about the aetiology of this condition .
7 PLUMMETING personal donations from grassroots supporters to Tory party funds are threatening a deeper financial crisis for the leadership , it was revealed today .
8 Contemporary attempts by the military in liberal democracies to see itself as professionalized , like similar movements among police forces , may be explained by the military 's desire , on the one hand , to avoid attacks on its competence or political attitudes and , on the other , to provide a basis from which to claim superiority for its expert views on policy matters from weapons procurement to military strategy .
9 The cold war may be over and dead , but spooks still rule OK — the US Central Intelligence Agency has warned more than 70 US defence , aerospace and financial companies that their industrial secrets are targets of French intelligence agents and diplomats , Defense Week reports , adding that the warning has caused Hughes Aircraft Co to drop plans to exhibit aerospace equipment at the Paris Air Show in June ; a 21-page French government document from about 1990 outlines US aerospace and defence corporate secrets in which French companies are interested , US officials say ; according to the Washington Post , Hughes officials said they were told one item the French memo lists is Hughes ' HS601 communications satellite ; French firms recently outbid Hughes to provide $258m in communications birds to Arab lands .
10 Given the paucity of aggregate savings and the narrow base for taxation , most governments in LDCs resort to budgetary deficits , financed through the printing of money , as a means of speeding up the process of economic development .
11 The similarity of their views — if only on that one key point — is a measure of how the superpower thaw is extending from arms control to economic matters as well .
12 However , due to changes incident to economic development , mortality decreases rather promptly while the decline of fertility lags behind it , causing rapid population growth .
13 ‘ Oh , just the small matter of the DGSE turning a blind eye to arms sales to Iranian terrorists in return for the release of our French hostages in Beirut . ’ ,
14 An identical picture presents itself in relation to police response to domestic and sexual attack .
15 Travel USA : This is a whole new world for book-lovers Sea to shining sea , America is Bibliophile Heaven .
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