Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [noun pl] is that " in BNC.

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1 One of the problems for those entrepreneurs , and other corporate managers , who do seek to act as professional industrialists is that the context in which they operate is dominated by the values described in earlier chapters .
2 Part of the fantasy about adolescent heroes is that they are in perfect command of their situation and can control the events and people around them .
3 The great thing about differential equations is that they produce nice smoothly continuous change in the quantities they describe .
4 What moves me very deeply about primitive peoples is that they still attach an enormous importance to a certain kind of communication which we have lost ; and that is that they allow the being of the person they are with to communicate with more than words .
5 The relevance of this analysis for out present purposes is that if contextual cues are helpful in retrieving associative information quite generally , then both of the associations formed during conditioned suppression training can be expected to suffer a loss when the context is changed .
6 An important feature of Tit for Tat-like strategies is that they are forgiving .
7 The basic plan for joint honours is that both subjects are taken in the first and second years ; then , in the third and fourth years selected parts of the honours courses in mathematics and the other subject are taken .
8 ‘ What this means for Liberal Democrats is that we must be much less exclusive in our approach to politics and much more inclusive to others in this one .
9 One of the drawbacks of alluvial sources is that under the pressure of a growing demand they tend to be depleted to a point at which more intensive methods are called for .
10 After all , mass-produced will always be mass-produced , but the whole point of mass-produced electrics is that you can walk into a store , pick the very best example from a row of several , spend a little money on a great setup , and maybe some pickups , and still save enough over a custom guitar to buy yourself an extremely nice amplifier .
11 One advantage of complete mixes is that these problems have been corrected by nutritionists who work for the compound feed manufacturers .
12 One of the major reasons for the widespread failure of rural developments is that it usually does not serve the interests of the people at whom it is ostensibly aimed .
13 The rationale of virtual-memory systems is that they can allocate memory on the basis of the actually observed demands for storage rather than on the potential , or worst case estimates , for the execution of a program .
14 One problem in tracing the development of Minoan towns is that the Later Minoan buildings in many cases replaced and obliterated every sign of the Middle Minoan buildings , which in turn effaced Early Minoan buildings .
15 One of the positive aspects of strong bosses is that they fight against injustice , and show themselves to be externally strong characters .
16 Another feature of electronic transitions is that the selection rule for pure vibrational transitions no longer applies .
17 Another characteristic of social policies is that , while some involve broad responses to popular needs and wishes , many are specific measures to assist quite small disadvantaged groups in the population .
18 Its detailed arrangements varied , in the many thousands of cases , but what is generally true about its form of social relations is that the artist was typically retained or commissioned as an individual professional worker .
19 It was previously suggested that one reason attention focusing might actually impair recognition of non-risky junctions is that it would prevent subjects from attending to useful peripheral information .
20 Perhaps the clearest indication of the increasingly multidisciplinary nature of Quaternary investigations is that a book written by a geographer , D.Q. Bowen , and published in 1978 is entitled Quaternary Geology and is subtitled A Stratigraphic Framework for Multidisciplinary Work .
21 One of the most exciting features of arid-loving plants is that they are so diverse not only in leaf colour and flower , but also in texture and shape .
22 From the water companies ' point of view , the advantage of indirect systems is that they reduce the effects on the mains of heavy demand ( first thing in the morning , for example ) and that they keep most of the householder 's water system separate from the mains supply .
23 The main criticism of transcendent philosophies is that though the ideas are beautiful and those who live by their precepts can be happy , yet men ask what relevance the philosophies have for our modern world of materialism where we must make progress and raise humanity out of starvation and ignorance .
24 The reason why company law should have been so concerned to legitimate the power of corporate managers is that this power potentially threatens the political-economic organization we associate with a liberal democracy .
25 The paradox at the heart of Party-military relations is that the Soviet Armed Forces are simultaneously the most privileged organisation in society and the most assiduously controlled .
26 The big disadvantage of conventional paints is that they contain a high percentage of solvents which evaporate when the paint dries and leave traces in the atmosphere .
27 One significant advantage of electric vehicles is that their widespread use would make far better use of off-peak electricity .
28 One advantage of base-isolated buildings is that they move as a unit .
29 A further consequence of enterprise-based unions is that , although they permit a high degree of rank-and-file participation in decision-making , they nevertheless fail to organise large proportions of workers in smaller firms where unionism is discouraged by paternalistic employment relationships .
30 A consequence of the assumption of constant costs is that the monopolist 's marginal costs are equal to average costs ( ACm ) as shown .
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