Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [noun sg] was the " in BNC.

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1 He singled out for special criticism two specific objectives which had figured so prominently in the application of Keynesian ideas : ( a ) the notion that the proper focus of attention for monetary policy was the attainment of targets for the rate of interest as opposed to targets for the supply of money ; ( b ) that demand management policies could be adjusted in such a way as to achieve a target combination of inflation and unemployment which was sustainable indefinitely .
2 An even more natural centre for economic growth was the junction of Ermine Street and Stane Street at Braughing , where , from the second century onwards , there were several possible strip buildings associated with bone- , iron- and copper-working .
3 The minister explained that this kind of frontal approach was the wrong way to go about it with God .
4 Everyone knew that the only source of political acumen was the Shah himself , But by the end of 1978 , all that had changed .
5 One advantage of computerized typesetting was the speed with which it could be learned .
6 One of the factors widely deemed as critical to Miyazawa 's chances of short-term survival was the need to obtain Diet approval for the 1992 budget by April 1 , the beginning of the fiscal year .
7 The result of this injection of European blood was the original full-tabby cat .
8 On the basis of some remarkably weak clinical evidence he decided that the site of emotional experience was the cingulate gyrus , which lies on the medial surface of the hemispheres .
9 ‘ So ? ’ he asked , as if overt state manipulation of popular entertainment was the most natural , acceptable thing .
10 As important as any of the functions of popular recreation was the simple element of " carnival " introducing moments of release into hard and humdrum lives .
11 Implicit in the use of direct observation was the need to work in the outside environment and to bring objects from the outside environment into the classroom .
12 Indeed , his only idea of historical development was the process of adding to the number of the elect , which at a certain fixed target would bring history to an end .
13 The peak of this pattern of medieval order was the diocesan authority , the bishop himself .
14 One of the glories of Old Clonmacnoise was the possibility of seeing a strange stone face staring from a broken column in a randomly-chosen clump of grass .
15 A symbol of lesser importance was the cross and its variants such as the star , wheel and swastika .
16 The primary issue of public policy was the duty to act with care with regard to another person .
17 He suggested that the main cause of social differentiation was the increase in population density .
18 He suggested that a day or so of drunken dissipation was the result of a previous period of intense labour .
19 The second type of individual headhunter was the practical , down-to-earth type with more management experience at different levels than the blue-bloods , who identified the existence of a demand for skills in senior recruiting but who was not pretentious or elitist about it in any way .
20 Before Weismann , most evolutionary theorists , and in particular the Frenchman Jean Baptiste Lamarck ( 1744–1829 ) , had supposed that the main cause of evolutionary change was the ‘ inheritance of acquired characters ’ .
21 A corollary of baptismal regeneration was the need for the death-bed conversion of poor children , who had been left in ignorance of the truths of religion .
22 In this situation one of the most important dimensions of uneven development was the inequality which resulted from differences between sectors and in particular from the economic fortunes of different sectors .
23 Nearly two hundred years ago , Hahnemann considered that the treatment of chronic illness was the greatest challenge to medicine and he spent many years of his life working on this problem .
24 At the end of a corridor of panelled mahogany was the boardroom where the black-bearded Paul and his clean-shaven , white-faced brother , Albert , awaited me .
25 The British tradition of climber-placed protection was the theme underlying an international meet in Wales , organised by the BMC .
26 The guardian and interpreter of socialist legality was the CPSU and it was in this role that the party justified its intervention in the course of justice in cases where the interest and security of the state were thought to be involved .
27 Indeed one of the reasons given in Ridge v. Baldwin by Lord Reid for the demise of natural justice was the misunderstanding over the scope of certiorari .
28 Closely allied to the previous reasons for the limitation of natural justice was the distinction drawn between rights and privileges .
29 It is argued that the basis of natural justice was the desire of the ordinary courts to maintain control over adjudication , and to impose their own types of procedures on those subject to judicial control .
30 Quite as remarkable as the original display of ill temper was the graciousness which prompted him to apologize for it .
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