Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [noun sg] [noun pl] over " in BNC.

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1 Senior Planning Officer , Andrew Lewis says that after various planning applications over the past two years which were turned down , due to objections from local residents , the latest plans have now been cleared , regarding the extension and the feelings of the local residents .
2 The Deserted Medieval Village Research Group ( now the Medieval Villages Research Group ) , which was formed in 1952 as a multi-disciplinary research body , drawing in geographers , historians , and archaeologists as well as natural scientists , has revolutionised our concepts of rural settlement changes over the last 2000 years .
3 Culminations of hanging wall complexes over footwall ramps appear to be promising sites for hydrocarbon accumulation , and are likely to have seismic , gravity , and magnetic expression .
4 Specimen jar of sea water in hand , she cheerfully highlighted the embarrassing prospect of European Court prosecutions over the pollution of nearby pleasure beaches .
5 Declining car sales in the UK last year did little to dent the popularity of German car manufacturers over here .
6 The Legend of St. Elisabeth ( 1857–62 ) features three pieces from the Oratorio on piano solo : the ‘ Orchestral Introduction ’ sets the atmosphere with a simple devotional melody ; ‘ Crusaders ’ March ’ is a series of contrasting fanfare motives over a vigorously varied key structure , and ‘ Interludium ’ uses first , fifth and eighth note repeated sequences with a tail-end flourish throughout .
7 Central Enterprise will test the capabilities of tactical air operations over western europe and the North Sea …
8 It may mean also that strikes are openly directed against state policy as much as against management 's negotiating position , as with the French public sector strike in the mid-1960s against government fixing of the total wage bill ( Dubois 1975 : 114–15 ) , or the wave of public sector conflicts over the Spanish government 's wage control and restructuring policies in early 1987 .
9 Payment of social security contributions over a given period ‘ entitles ’ the payer to a benefit , ( though only until the law is changed ! ) .
10 Multiply billions of tiny energy surpluses over billions of years of time and you find that you have a vast energy surplus .
11 Taylor ( 1964 ) in particular noted that the distribution of GSRs over distance travelled corresponded very closely to the distribution of actual accident figures over the same distance .
12 THE All England Club has been cleared of unfair trading practices over the sale of Wimbledon tickets .
13 This run of Tory election victories over the 1950s prompted the speculation at the time that the Tories had managed to establish themselves as the ‘ natural party of government ’ .
14 To serve , squeeze some of mild-scented garlic insides over each potato , add salt if wished , and pop into your mouth while hot .
15 Despite increased teaching loads over the past three years , the School , as a whole , has very substantially increased its research funding and its research output , over the 3–4 year period of assessment .
16 There 's a much , much larger range of great designer clothes over here because it 's just a bigger population .
17 The Macintosh Application Services software previewed at the IBM PowerOpen launch last week ( CI No 2,123 ) is an indication of the growing popularity of binary-to-binary conversion techniques over straightforward emulation , which is still associated with poor performance .
18 Her hands and arms are streaked with maroon paint , a clot of maroon hair flops over one eye .
19 Given the behaviour of fixed-interest security prices over the period , this may reflect a desire to hold such stock mainly for its capital gain potential .
20 Two elasticated loops , made of shirring elastic or similar — but certainly not tight across the inner eyelets — are used to retain the zig-zag of folded shroud lines over the shoulder risers .
21 All journals except Cell and Nature showed a trend towards increasing authorship numbers over the study period .
22 As reported in last year 's Annual Report , the most serious factor in relation to purchasing for 1989–90 , owing to Government 's failure to meet the cost of nationally-negotiated pay awards over recent years , was the need to divert purchasing funds to pay essential salary costs during the year , thereby causing substantial reductions in the purchases of printed books of all periods , as well as manuscripts , maps and music .
23 Flexible so that it can take account of changing family circumstances over time .
24 This would explain the pre-eminence of various investment banks over the years and the inability of many new entrants to gain profitability .
25 For the effect of closure in terms of intergenerational movement is to provide for the reproduction of common life experiences over the generations . ’
26 He complained in particular of recent student riots over price rises and cuts in subsidies .
27 Local authorities are nervously anticipating a flood of judicial review challenges over community care .
28 In addition to our aim of forecasting the course of Wirral 's heroin ‘ epidemic ’ , the second multi-agency enumeration survey also allowed us to investigate whether there had been any changes in the social and drug-using characteristics of known heroin users over the two years of research .
29 So dramatic , indeed , has been the impact of privatization and contracting out of services , and of other local government changes , that a reduction of over a third in the total number of local authority employees over the next five years has been predicted by one senior official ( Davies , 1988 ) .
30 This implies large uncertainties in the cycle-length-based record of solar irradiance changes over and above those associated with the optimization procedure used to deduce β .
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