Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [noun] over [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The Circular brought together a number of themes which run through public policy over most of the postwar period .
2 The Dalai Lama , who fled to exile in India after a failed uprising in 1959 , has called for Tibetan autonomy over domestic affairs , with China retaining control over military and diplomatic affairs .
3 It may also lose a preference for nucleosomal DNA over naked DNA , although this preference may depend on the structure of the nucleosomal DNA as well as the presence of more than one duplex in the GH5 binding site .
4 On Friday , citing worries about foreign influence over civil aviation , Mr Skinner issued a ‘ consent order ’ on NorthWest Airlines , forcing it to reduce the involvement of KLM , the Dutch carrier , in its recent buyout .
5 This news sent stock markets rising after serious losses over recent days due to fears that the President could face impeachment proceedings .
6 This supports the hypothesis that there is a right field advantage for verbal ability over spatial ability .
7 This supports the hypothesis that there is a right field advantage for verbal ability over spatial ability .
8 They are compared with figures for actual growth over that period , with the forecast error in the third column .
9 Ackerman also found that in integrated firms there was a great deal of divisional-HQ interaction over significant investments , often extending over several years , and that this was a powerful device for gaining commitment to major projects , although the impetus any project gained was also a function of fairly subjective , often political factors .
10 The ascendancy of monetary policy over fiscal and incomes policies in the US and UK has damaged investment , and the high interest rates used to deflate the economy benefit — guess whom ?
11 Their rates of economic activity over recent years have followed the male pattern of rapid decline in the 60–4 age group ( from a third in 1973 to less than a fifth in 1988 ) with a similar decline in , the 55–9 age group ( 60 per cent to 48 per cent ) .
12 To take the Liberals first , it had been a commonplace of political analysis over previous years to regard the Liberal vote as largely a product of temporary disillusion with the Tories following on periods of Tory government , as a protest vote .
13 On April 22 a statement by the Presidential Council had stressed that the new constitution would ensure " the supremacy of Islamic sharia over all legislation " .
14 The question of interim control over nuclear weapons in Ukraine had been removed from the agenda after preparatory Foreign and Defence Ministers ' meetings on July 3-4 ( not including Moldova 's Defence Minister ) , as it was felt that there was no likelihood of an agreement at the summit .
15 This is her most ambitious work , surveying the history of European textiles over some 1,000 years , from late Antiquity to the fifteenth century .
16 White and Stevenson ( 1975 ) offer further support for signing as part of Total Communication over oral methods , though their study was relatively small and involved an interpreter presenting information .
17 The recent Royal Commission on Incomes and Wealth analysed the sources of finance for the larger quoted industrial and financial companies in the U K and found that between 1950–72 internally generated funds accounted for an average 70 per cent of total finance over this period .
18 On the 8th , with a blanket of low cloud over most of the country , the mountain tops protruded into warm , sunny air with the temperature on Cairn Gorm Summit reaching 10.7C .
19 In agricultural history it is evident that a macro-economic overview is necessarily limited because we have no usable index of agricultural rent over any considerable period .
20 Such incorporation is , for her , a necessary corollary of a continued erosion of popular control over local government .
21 To this end , a software package , FAMULUS 77 , is being employed , which enables the researcher to handle large amounts of historical data over several centuries .
22 Well , it 'll be dry this evening and for much of the night , but the cloud 's going to thicken and there could be a few spots of light rain over high ground by dawn .
23 The army was reported to be pressing for a role in the new body , despite public sensitivity over any apparent resurrection of the National Intelligence Directorate ( DINA ) of the post-1973 regime .
24 Opponents of the MTO claim it would institutionalise the primacy of free trade over environmental protection and make it easier to challenge high national standards on environmental protection as unfair barriers to trade .
25 The question was designed to establish the level of public concern over this development , so there were no positive suggestions , but the low concern rate for most of the problems posed suggested that the majority of people were not worried about this prospect , nor that it would trouble them personally , socially or financially to any great extent .
26 I think it 's very important that the developers appreciate the volume of public concern over this building .
27 We were told that indications of public concern over proposed development strategies were also influential on the WO and the SoS ( a clear invitation to CPRW to turn up the heat ) .
28 But the absence of public apprehension over corporate crime does not justify it being ignored by criminologists ; rather , it should justify creating a publicity campaign to create an awareness of corporate crime .
29 The failure of the scandal to subside , and the continuing expression of public disgust over lenient treatment of Kanemaru by the prosecuting authorities , was demonstrated by a protest march in central Tokyo on Nov. 10 .
30 Pour some over each serving , and sprinkle a teaspoon of brown sugar over each .
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