Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [noun] as i " in BNC.

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1 On Monday there was the English paper — mainly Twelfth Night , which was money for old rope as I had played Feste at school .
2 ’ Just barely , ’ I said through gritted teeth as I struggled to my feet .
3 Everyone 's life is different , and so I wanted to hear from as wide a variety of teenage mothers as I could .
4 However I tend to score it much much on a much lower scale because A of the need for the associated infrastructure involved , that will have a very severe impact , and B ma'am the landscape quality , there is the area is of some is of some quality , it is not an area of derelict land as I say .
5 I also understand from meetings , I 'm meeting a group of social workers as I call them , that are dealing with the people with learning difficulties , erm , these are at present taking place in the Castle Hall .
6 Let me leave you there for the moment with my views of high morale as I saw it , and I saw a great deal of it during my constant circuit within the Command .
7 The whole process was serviced and kept running by as exceptional a staff of civil servants as I ever worked with in over ten years as a Cabinet minister .
8 The conduct of pedagogic research as I have defined it here presupposes attitudes and approaches to techniques of teaching which are developed only through an educational perspective and this in turn calls for a continuous programme of in-service support .
9 It should be said , however , that Wimsatt 's treatment of the iconic properties of language is as far as the New Critics went in the direction of stylistic analysis as I have defined it ; in general they were much more interested in meaning than in forms of expression , and would have undoubtedly had scarce sympathy for Jakobson 's attempt to define the properties of poetry in purely linguistic terms .
10 If it was like seeing a long lost friend again after twenty-seven years , Darby O'Gill was comfortingly predictable with touches of the old sparkle but we had lost a lot of common ground as I had moved from a place of romance and innocence through a world of cynicism and calculated sophistication .
11 And , and a lot of single people as I mentioned , they , they , they do n't come anywhere on , on a housing list to have housing provided for them — what can you do to help them find places ?
12 THERE were a few looks of mock horror as I walked through the door .
13 I was thinking about black holes as I got into bed one night in 1970 , shortly after the birth of my daughter Lucy .
14 However , one evening in November that year , shortly after the birth of my daughter , Lucy , I started to think about black holes as I was getting into bed .
15 Thirty pairs of eyes stared with unwavering concentration as I dipped my hand into the all-too-familiar breakfast of slightly sour rice and salted fish .
16 Lee picked up the vibes and looked with wide-eyed apprehension as I held my breath and waited .
17 " All right , " I said with false breeziness as I left .
18 Philip implicitly dismisses the value of his own reflections on the ugliness of modern London with off-hand self-ironizing comments which imply that he too is a product of the intellectual dissipation he criticizes : ‘ Life , I said with startling originality as I stepped out of the bus in my mackintosh , is like that ’ ( 307 ) .
19 I would however I I with great trepidation as I do n't think I 've ever dared do it before , er is try to actually clarify the thoughts of my leader erm it is not erm , have I your permission erm I I I feel I feel he may , I feel that
20 Some of the learning and insights gained come back to me with great clarity as I write .
21 I 'm speaking here of the period of conventional warfare by the way , this is not the case with nuclear war as I shall show in a later lecture .
22 Luckily they seemed to want , even need , to talk , so it was n't necessary for me to try to head him onto other subjects as I had felt might possibly have been the case .
23 I ask , stamping on the conker with maximum power as I empty , glug , glug , glug , the glue into JJ 's pride and joy , and the slurping noise is music , music , music to my ears .
24 The council agreed that it is a matter for concern that the rates have increased by so much and I have been asked to write to Wyre Borough Council about this and to ask if they would consider paying the whole of the rates for public halls in rural areas as I understand some District Councils do .
25 If you can find good quality second-hand things in good condition as I did , it works out to be a real saving . ’
26 I enjoyed the function and my friends kept me in good cheer as I was obviously anxious about my husband being in the Gulf and did have a few too many drinks .
27 However , conditions for the time of the year seemed favourable and I was in hopeful mood as I rowed carefully out on the meadow side to a drop-off at about 70 yards I knew to be there .
28 As it is , the anger felt among managers is projected in other directions as I shall try to show .
29 He watched in anxious silence as I ran a hand over the repairs he had begun on Masquerade .
30 Dr Paisley told campaigners : ‘ I have campaigned very hard indeed for the retention of acute services in local hospitals as I believe that is the best means of serving the needs of local communities . ’
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