Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] and [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 By contrast , when she wrote the novel versions of Stolen and To Have and To Hold ( ‘ ghastly title — it was a television title ’ ) , her characters had already been embodied , by other people .
2 After this time they doubled the amount of current and found that the energy books almost balanced .
3 Fifteen coins are recorded from the site ; some of them are of Valentinian and show that occupation continued to the end of the fourth century .
4 And , oddly enough , there was a tightness in her own throat as they exchanged their promises of loving and cherishing and , in her case , of obedience .
5 There were a lot of Indians like that , so used to the cycle of hurt and deadening that it was a snowballing addiction .
6 While the sentence typically is a structure of main and subordinated and embedded clauses , the clausal complex is typically an aggregate rather than a syntactic structure .
7 Check the new trapdoor for fit and trim if necessary
8 A delicate oriental nurse washed my feet with antiseptic and chatted while the locally injected anaesthetic took effect .
9 Facts : pleaded guilty to robbery , having a firearm with intent and driving while disqualified .
10 The House of Lords decided that the affidavit was not conclusive and that , where appropriate , it had the power to inspect the documents in private and decide whether to accept the claim .
11 Prayer for strength is appropriate at any stage of our lives and might well be made daily but that does not invalidate the usefulness of marking one day in our life when someone prays over us in public and asks that out of the treasures of his glory , God may grant you strength and power through his spirit in your inner being that through faith cast may dwell in your hearts in love .
12 Now , when you find management — the representatives of enterprise and risk capital — standing up in public and saying that they have a responsibility to keep prices stable , or lower them , that individual prices ought to be reported on by a commission , and that profits ought to attract special tax penalties if they exceed a certain level , then it is a sign that either the millennium has arrived or else something is going very seriously wrong indeed .
13 The use of a software package such as ‘ Office Power ’ with the ability to generate on-line a standard response to correspondence would dramatically improve the response time in dealing with most enquiries from individual and ensure that a response is made within a matter of days .
14 Five years later the company wished to pay off the mortgage in full and argued that the term making the mortgage irredeemable for 40 years was void as a clog on the equity of redemption .
15 However , not much in the way of working-class housing was constructed on the bank tops until the 1850s , when housing development began in earnest and continued until the First World War with the construction of ‘ By-Law ’ housing by builders of a variety of scales but always using land ‘ developed ’ by large-scale investors .
16 I felt the jolt in his chest as I hugged it in rhythm against mine and for a long second could n't believe it , but then he heaved again in my arms and coughed in my face and a mouthful of dirty water shot out in a spout and he began coughing in earnest and choking and gasping for air … gasping , gulping air down , wheezing in his throat , whooping like whooping cough , struggling to fill his functioning lungs .
17 The Webbs objected that the scheme did not distinguish sufficiently between deserving and undeserving and that it included no measures for the prevention of unemployment .
18 ‘ The Ministry would have been only too happy to hand you over stuffed and pickled if they 'd been asked in the proper way .
19 That was another thing which made Mahmoud uneasy , for modern and emancipated though he was , he could not completely shake off the attitudes and sexual constraints of the old , Islamic society .
20 Adjust the sideways bridge position as necessary and repeat until both measurements are identical .
21 Hawke refused to stand down , however , claiming that he continued to command the support of the country at large and indicating that he would confront Keating in a leadership ballot .
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