Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [adv] [v-ing] and " in BNC.

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1 One explanation is that the cell junctions between the rapidly dividing and undifferentiated cells which come to line the parasitised mucosa appear to be incompletely formed , and as a result , macromolecules may pass into and out of the epithelial sheet .
2 On the other hand you have some of the fastest moving and hardest-hitting warriors ever to grace the battlefields of the Known World : Silver Helms , Dragon Princes of Caledor and the Tiranoc Charioteers .
3 It 's an icon-driven multipart adventure and quite possibly one of the most involving and well-presented strategy programs available and is still an essential purchase even now .
4 I was vividly aware of the far reaching and vast contribution that Basil had made to education , to values , to the good influences of the Authority on teachers and children , colleges , schools and students , and I am of the privileged few who were able to work with Basil in the early days of struggles , so I know how much , how very much he did — So I felt that at least he had fulfilled — as nearly as we can ever judge — so much of his life 's work even to the developments in his own personal creative medium — and this must be a comfort to you as well as to us who knew him as a friend and colleague .
5 Appropriately for a drama in which the grossest crimes , though intended , turn out to be apparent rather than real , her chaffing in riddles of Bertram and the King in the final scene is a marvellous mix of the pointedly cutting and the teasingly playful .
6 Only veteran Phil Carrick has been around long enough to tell them that 45-year-old Robinson was one of the hardest working and most likeable players ever to wear a Yorkshire cap .
7 They were disinclined to be held back by the deliberations of a slow moving and ponderous Commission .
8 If there is any justification in using them , it 's not that they accurately reproduce the eighteenth century , but that through them we can clear our way back to it through all the nineteenth-century ironmongery put in our way by what , musically , I regard as a particularly corrupting and polluting century .
9 They 're they you they 're all worked you know sandpapered and polished that 's rough , what they call rough work and then you gradually go onto the maybe staining and the just quite a lot of oak and there 's quite a lot of mahogany and walnut .
10 The main aims of the project were to formulate the course to be followed by the government to assess the worth of mineral resources of the Lao PDR and to provide an action plan for generating hard currency from minerals within a constantly evolving and highly competitive world economy .
11 The main aims of the project were to formulate the course to be followed by the government to assess the worth of mineral resources of the Lao PDR and to provide an action plan for generating hard currency from minerals within a constantly evolving and highly competitive world economy .
12 The narrative sequence stresses the solid sameness of the human features in a paradoxically evolving and constantly changing relationship with the spectator .
13 This can be illustrated from a wide variety of cases : the uses of literacy for social control in nineteenth century Canada , for instance , where any ‘ critical ’ element was carefully excluded ( Graff , 1979 ) ; the restriction of the content of written forms to religious tracts by the Methodist missionaries who introduced literacy to Fiji in the nineteenth century ( Clammer , 1976 ) ; the examples from British literacy campaigns that show how illiteracy developed in schools because of the class-based nature of schooling ( Mace , 1979 ) ; the uses of literacy for religious and symbolic purposes in Ghana ( Goody , 1968 ) ; the greater trust placed by thirteenth century knights in England on seals and symbols as means of legitimating charters and rights to land and their suspicion of the written document as more likely to be forged and inaccurate ( Clanchy , 1979 ) ; the development in Iranian villages of forms of literacy taught in Koranic schools into forms of literacy appropriate for commercial trading in a rapidly modernising and urbanising economy ( Section 2 ) .
14 Work completed , Donald John chauffeured me off to the most concerning and uncertain part of this Western Isles sojourn , the 45 minute ferry boat crossing to South Uist .
15 At this time sprinkler system design is undergoing a continuous evolution in order to adapt to the rapidly changing and diverse methods of packaging , palletisation , racking and warehouse structure .
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