Example sentences of "[prep] [prep] the [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 His mind drifted over the people whom he had heard about for the first time that morning , groping for some sort of perspective .
2 Each has its attributes but for all round performance Kodak technical Pan film 2415 is recommended , with subsequent development in Kodak HC1100 developer for about the suggested time at the manufacturer 's dilution D.
3 Their first innings made only 205 , with 57 from Smith and 43 from debutante Bailey ( whose reward , after failing in the second innings , was to be dropped against Sri Lanka , one of the most astonishing pieces of selectoral crassness for years ) ; but on the second morning , in real sunshine for about the first time in the rubber , Foster bowled splendidly to decapitate the order .
4 ‘ What 's the matter , San ? ’ the fat woman asked for about the fifth time since they had all trooped in out of the cold .
5 for about the fifth time
6 For about the seventh time Folly walked over to the vase on the mantelpiece which held the flowers he had sent her that morning .
7 ‘ They had just been reconciled for about the 18th time and when work forced them apart he started on the vodka .
8 For about the hundredth time , I cursed whatever kleptomaniac curmudgeon had walked off the train with my bag .
9 She put my book down , said for about the fourth time how sorry she was that she 'd missed my reading , but she 'd simply felt too shaky .
10 I went to the flicks — I wanted to see Some Like It Hot for about the tenth time and it was being revived at Baker Street .
11 Isabel asked Ellen for about the tenth time .
12 With new technology making our lives easier by the day , it 's good to know that the environment is being looked after at the same time .
13 The man paid the gaveller about a shilling a day : if she had a young child to look after at the same time she would have to manage as best she could .
14 Indeed , much of the film has dated badly , by comparison with the better American films of around the same time ( Wild River , Psycho , The Hustler , El Cid ) , or to put it more neutrally appears less attractive than it did in its own time .
15 For anything we know , it is an agreement entered into for the first time , in consequence of this instrument … .
16 Along along the bottom time if time is one of the things you 're working with it just about always goes along the bottom .
17 It is the way that our feelings tell us that they have got too much to cope with at the same time and they need some help — in the jargon this is called needing some ‘ ventilation ’ .
18 It is interesting that these were exactly the issues that Mezey was concerned with at the same time , though for the whole of the region rather than one area .
19 In addition it would enable correspondence that deals with several aspects of Council Tax to be dealt with at the same time and a co-ordinated response to be prepared by nominated officers .
20 It would have made sense for the Government to include this measure in that Bill so that it could be dealt with at the same time .
21 It 's certainly an anomaly that two players dealt with around the same time end up serving their bans well apart .
22 The earliest known whales date from about the same time , but in this case the situation is slightly more complicated , in that these early whales were very similar to modern ones , and could be big — up to 15 m ( 50 ft ) long .
23 From about the same time onwards , Catholic books and pious objects began to be used more sparingly — or at least more discreetly — in most parts of the country .
24 in at the same time , yeah .
25 And when a ratepayer challenged a local authority 's conduct of its policy to sell council houses and invoked his statutory right to complain to the District Auditor , he was debarred from at the same time pursuing the alternative remedy of applying to the courts for judicial review .
26 A report from around the same time which reached the London bureau of the Neu Beginnen organization , based on conversations with an elderly , formerly active member of the SPD , living in a central German city , painted a similar picture of opinion .
27 It was the form twos , the only thing that I , that they had to , they had to look forward to in the whole time they were there .
28 What I fear is that A-levels will be diluted without at the same time lengthening degree courses , particularly mathematical ones , to maintain standards .
29 The trick is to find a way of giving the Europeans enough of a feeling that they can pursue security policies of their own without at the same time forming a European defence association that would drive the Americans away .
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