Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] but [subord] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 –This is the fourth annual report which I have presented to the Village Association in the last five years and it is for me the most pleasing , not because I am standing down as chairman but because I feel that it is the most positive report that I have been able to give .
2 ‘ This is the fourth annual report which I have presented to the Village Association in the last five years and it is for me the most pleasing , not because I am standing down as chairman but because I feel that it is the most positive report that I have been able to give .
3 We will not easily be put off course but if we are we can use the kayak tilt or rudder to maintain the line without needing the paddle to steer .
4 The point of introducing these ideas here is to draw attention to the radical analysis which suggests that management may use rules and procedures , and other more complex organisational arrangements such as product groups or even matrix organisational structures , not just because they may be a more efficient means of co-ordination but because they are necessary if capital is to control recalcitrant labour .
5 I wish you 'd told me before , Edward , I mean , it 's entirely your own affair of course but if I 'd known forewarned would have been forearmed and we could have avoided this sort of thing . ’
6 These terminological changes are not made merely for the sake of variety but because I believe the substitute terms convey their meaning more pointedly than Marx 's originals .
7 He wrote not to tell her this nor to send her any kind of greeting but because he wanted her to do something for him .
8 In January 1987 , yet another judge stated that the March ruling was , in fact , in breach of statute but as it had not been appealed against it had to stand .
9 Now this kind of ordering text on a page if you 're using a typewriter takes quite a lot of skill but if you 're a , with a word processor it 's actually quite easy .
10 The Act Two ball dress , the emerald gown with the huge stiffened collar embroidered with pearls , looked even better than the Act One dress and she realized that , without knowing quite how , she had quelled Gesner — not for reasons of rivalry but because she had had to get the production back on course .
11 The Syrians had already broken through the rampart of sand but as we approached , a Palestinian holding a rifle walked up to our car .
12 ‘ ( 1 ) strict rules of evidence were inherently inappropriate in a court concerned to decide whether there were substantial grounds for believing something , such as a court considering an application under the Bail Act 1976 ; ( 2 ) when considering an opposed application for bail justices were bound to investigate an alleged change of circumstance but where they erred by refusing so to do their subsequent order was not rendered void , although a court with appropriate jurisdiction could interfere to set it aside .
13 A defendant who does not believe in consent could either be one who fleetingly turns his mind to the issue of consent but since he is indifferent to the matter forms no view at all or one whose indifference is such that he entirely fails to think about it in the first place .
14 Someone asked me whether , I thought it 'd be a bit of fun But as I say nobody knows who you are , or what you 've said or anything so it does n't matter does it ?
15 After 8 April the aluminium returned to tapwater when a mains burst : sludge was found at the bottom of a glass of water but when it was sent to the authority for analysis it was discarded as ‘ too sludgy ’ .
16 Er I do n't know if you 've experience of steel but when you feel the handles of a , a lathe first thing in a morning it 's like lifting pieces of ice and er the heating arrangement took about four hours before it built up you know , to a reasonable working degree .
17 Oh , it was great to have clothes to wear again , real clothes , beautiful clothes , clothes that had been created with genius and handled with adoration , shy , deceiving little artefacts that seemed just lengths of cloth but once you possessed them would flow over your body like enchanted water and transform you into something magical .
18 He reckons the trip would have been smashing if it had been the height of summer but as it was , he saw practically nothing from start to finish .
19 A MUCH-PRAISED AMERICAN playwright , John Guare has never received his due in this country — not , I think , because his comedies do n't appeal to the English sense of humour but because it 's difficult for actors here to get across their vision of insane optimism and everyday insanity .
20 They were a bit away from the Rice Crispie hole type of thing but if I 'd have used my eyes I would have noticed where they were .
21 He left after three years without a degree , not from any lack of ability but because he selected from the course only those subjects — analytical and applied chemistry — which appealed to him .
22 He wanted to yell for joy but when he tried he could n't get any sound out .
23 And you see all the beams are chamfered , not so much for decoration but because they seem to have done that according to latest research , done that to take the bark off because it was the bark where the parasites tended to get in .
24 nations I think we do very little , I mean , we do a lot for charity but if you look our planet is dying as , you look at the green issue we are far behind so monarchy does n't help us there .
25 At first he was shocked into admiration but as he waited he looked more carefully at the dark wood of the large , ugly pieces of furniture , the thick embossing on the pale yellow wallpaper and the heaviness of the dark brown velvet curtains .
26 I said well I , he said still thought you were gon na do the bar with wood but since you put it like this if you had a te a tin of beans , would you know which one made you fart !
27 I said to her , ‘ I 'm not willing to argue with you here because it would get me into trouble but if I ever saw you on the street I would ’ .
28 She tingled with apprehension but when she looked back it was Edouard .
29 But Coun Robson said : ‘ It will not prevent us corresponding with Pavlovo but whether it will delay any civic visits from Russia remains to be seen . ’
30 Experience may help you take some of these into account but if you went for a fixed fee you may have to pitch it at such a level to allow for these that it 's perhaps twice what it might be and you could lose the client .
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