Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] from [noun prp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I would therefore like to make another application for grant-aid from WWF/UK on behalf of our alliance .
2 Californian Tamara Rotola has hired a lawyer to fight for maintenance from Albert for her six-month-old daughter .
3 Since Dr Banda , 93 , took control after independence from Britain in 1964 , he has governed the country with an iron grip that may finally be loosening .
4 Such were U Chit Hlaing , a member of the English Bar , who led the Wunthanu , the original political movement for ‘ the preservation of the nation ’ , and Dr Ba Maw , graduate of Cambridge and Bordeaux , first Premier after separation from India in 1937 .
5 Sheila Rowbotham had taken a different route after graduation from Oxford in 1962 .
6 The strain of conducting frontier warfare against the French and their Indian allies , without assistance from the south , forced the Massachusetts assembly to ask for help from England in terms that showed a reasonable willingness to co-operate with policy laid down in London .
7 Kazakh president Nursultan Nazarvayev has asked for compensation from Moscow for health damage in the region , and for an independent inquiry , with foreign experts , to study the ecological consequences .
8 Public Health Minister Hedi Mhenni announced on Nov. 18 that Tunisia would press for compensation from France on behalf of 12 haemophiliacs who might have developed AIDS as a result of using transfusions of blood , imported from France , which carried the HIV virus .
9 A message of support from Thatcher for the Conservative candidate was delivered through the voters ' letter-boxes and several leading Tories , including Party Chairman Kenneth Baker , visited the constituency to support the election campaign .
10 We discussed the problem of the possible leakage of expertise from Russia in the field of weapons of mass destruction .
11 The progress of physics from Aristotle through Newton to Einstein provides an example on a larger scale .
12 The pace quickened , this year seeing the long-awaited introduction of the Thameslink service , the extension of electrification from Bournemouth to Weymouth and the delivery ( albeit late ) of Class 442 ‘ Wessex Electrics ’ units to give air-conditioned comfort to NSE passengers .
13 The extension of electrification from Bournemouth to Weymouth , completed in 1988 , saw the arrival of the new streamlined 100mph Class W2 , fivecar buffet units with power-operated sliding doors , air conditioning , and the return of compartments for first-class travellers .
14 Well , we 've had quite a lot of money from Oxford from different people so you do n't know .
15 This was well north of any line of march from Wales to the north east , which suggests that Gloucester had business in Lancashire and was not just en route to join his brother , who was then at York .
16 This was well north of any line of march from Wales to the north east , which suggests that Gloucester had business in Lancashire and was not just en route to join his brother , who was then at York .
17 A dozen men move back and forth , putting up lights in the living-room , shifting all the furniture round , and accepting trays of tea from Felicity in the kitchen .
18 the proletarian party must first of all advocate the proclamation and immediate realization of the complete freedom of secession from Russia of all the nations and peoples who were oppressed by Tsarism , or who were forcibly joined to or forcibly kept within the boundaries of the State .
19 The supply of wool from England to Flanders provided the main economic link between the two areas ; and it is not surprising to find a merchant financier with a base at each end of this trade .
20 An Italian daily paper said prosecutor Maria Cordova had asked for the indictment of Maradona and Guillermo Coppola for an alleged shipment of 6.6lb of cocaine from Argentina to Italy in 1991 .
21 An official report by the National Human Rights Commission accused Morán of ignoring repeated requests from the local federal police to stop his soldiers firing at the agents who were trying to intercept an aircraft later discovered to be carrying some 360 kg of cocaine from Colombia to Mexico .
22 PHILIPPE GIMBERT , VINCENT MOSCATO AND SERGE SIMON stepped onto the international scene last summer , leaving a trail of blood from Bucharest to Denver .
23 p/b £15.95 Paperback reprint of David Watkin 's highly esteemed history of architecture from Knossos to Quinlan Terry .
24 Unless … it was a small hope … unless the idea of hunting from London to York just happened to catch their imagination .
25 Colonisation schemes in many tropical American countries for example , have also proved to be extremely expensive ( e.g. $US6000 per family in Bolivia , Curtis 1979 ) , as is also the case of Indonesian policy of migration from Java to the outer Islands ( see Booth & McCawley 1981 for detailed accounts of the failure of these schemes ) .
26 His thesis , A Comparative View of the Language Question in Gaelic , Irish and Welsh Educational History with Emphasis on Gaelic Scotland , 1688-1872 , earned him a Doctorate of Philosophy from Dundee in July 1980 .
27 So the rest of the meditation turns on overcoming of separation from God through the fire of love .
28 The catalogue includes a variety of GPS models among its new products and is available free of charge from Cruisermart on ( 0702 ) 460055 .
29 TELEPHONE answering machines should be available free of charge from Telecom in view of the extra revenue they generate in doubling the number of calls .
30 Of 139 pamphlets which were published between 1689 and 1694 to vindicate the transference of allegiance from James to William , half of them defended the position of contractual resistance , and all without exception were Whig pamphlets .
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