Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] was in [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The order for committal was in County Court Form N79 .
2 She and Oliver were sitting side by side in the small parlour at Blue Horizons , having arrived unannounced while the Auguste Didier School of Cuisine was in session in the kitchen .
3 That same design of fan was in use five hundred years ago on Møn : there was one in the frescos at Sandweg . …
4 His historicist account of the role of consciousness was in turn influential in the development of Goldmann 's ‘ genetic structuralism ’ and the Frankfurt School 's ‘ critical theory ’ .
5 If the nodal point of normativism was in Oxford , that of the functionalist style was the London School of Economics and Political Science .
6 The parties must also state that they have satisfied themselves that the value of the asset at the date of transfer was in excess of allowable expenditure plus indexation to date .
7 Cos I was reading in Hugh 's book that the very first sort of work was in surveys done in thirty seven .
8 No formal record of Gloucester 's appointment survives , but his title of protector was in use by 8 May , confirming Mancini 's claim that the duke took immediate steps to have his position formalized .
9 No formal record of Gloucester 's appointment survives , but his title of protector was in use by 8 May , confirming Mancini 's claim that the duke took immediate steps to have his position formalized .
10 The general consensus of opinion was in favour of keeping it .
11 This renewed emphasis on quickening the pace of reform was in accordance with China 's recent economic development which had seen a move away from self-imposed austerity measures towards the pursuit of increased levels of foreign investment and exports and more rapid industrial growth .
12 The highest ratio of car owners per head of population was in Gordon where only 16 per cent of households did not have a car .
13 They were on the brow of a little hill and Sara walked farther on to look down on the county spread in front of her , idly trying to recognise familiar landmarks — It was a travel-ad view — neat lush fields , trim hedgerows , a farmhouse nestling in amongst its windbreak of trees , a sheet of yellow on the far hills where a field of mustard was in bloom , and for the rest , a thousand different shades of the greens of high summer , a piece of England basking in the sun and as beautiful as any foreign strand .
14 Thus the Paracelsians , who boasted that their account of creation as a process of chemical separation was the only legitimate interpretation of Genesis , incurred Bacon 's displeasure not only for their hijacking of the Bible , but also for the implication that knowledge of nature was in need of biblical support .
15 Saturday night and a more mellow sort of relaxation was in order .
16 The feminist take-up of hygienics was in part a skilful form of campaigning , involving an imaginative reworking of dominant knowledges .
17 The question of the freedom to re-export the works of art was in fact the main stumbling block in drawing up the contract with the Spanish State in 1988 .
18 He has helped to construct specially tailored mortgage services to exploit the low cost of housing and he points out that after the Woolwich developed its property services division in Kent , its second area of development was in Northern Ireland .
19 The last election to the House of Assembly was in February 1989 , when Gumbs ' ANA won three of the seven elected seats and the support of an independent member [ see p. 36457 ] .
20 Moreover , by this time , a more rigorous framework of control was in place ( see below ) .
21 Before we move on , it is worth noticing that just as the debate about the Bible rested to a large extent on a rather dubious notion of what kind of authority was in question , so too the argument about miracles was one in which both sides generally shared an equally questionable concept .
22 He concluded that , although there were some practices of the Anglican Church with which he disagreed , he nevertheless felt the weight of argument was in favour of conformity .
23 One of the early scenes of trouble was in Changsha , where students in 1980 protested about the lack of democracy in local elections .
24 Louisa , an attractive girl full of life was in service at Mapledurham .
25 Fearful of upsetting those of a squeamish nature , I decided that an abrupt change of subject was in order and asked Jennifer about the guitars she was bringing with her to Europe : is she still an Ibanez 540S fan ?
26 Yet the more open-ended view of science was in principle present in Freud 's outlook .
27 This cycle of growth , which was based primarily upon exports , reached its peak in 1986-88 , when the annual rate of growth was in excess of 12 per cent .
28 A gravity system of sewerage was in operation from 1838 , with cleansing manholes not more than twenty yards apart ( see 1840 and Drain Plan ) .
29 Minister of State for Agriculture Brian O'Shea revealed that a total of £360,623,000 worth of food was in intervention at the end of last month .
30 Nevertheless in a very large institution such as the University of London , with large and geographically scattered subject collections , a divide and rule system is inevitable , and in contrast to Hindle 's findings , a survey on the ‘ Overlap of acquisitions in the University of London Libraries ’ found that duplication in this kind of situation was in fact relatively small .
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