Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] was [art] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 A further point of disagreement was the SOC 's insistence that the plan should explicitly refer to Khmer Rouge " genocide " .
2 Er I was chairman of that committee as well , View when , when , during quite a long period , until the whole system was changed to the council system like and went onto er and er there was one of our , our er officer who was in charge of welfare was a Mr who had a great knowledge of both Selkirk and Galashiels and the country and er he was known by everybody .
3 Another early focus of goldsmithing was the Indus basin .
4 Fiji became an independent country within the Commonwealth in 1970 , under a Constitution which provided that the head of state was the United Kingdom sovereign , represented by a Governor-General , who would appoint the Prime Minister and Cabinet in accordance with the wishes of the bicameral Fijian Parliament .
5 However , when some of the Great Western HST sets became surplus to requirements an obvious option for redeployment was the Midland .
6 An excellent example of this in practice was the East Anglian Rubber Windmill exercise described in Chapter 5 , demonstrating what could happen in the " internal market " if all pursued their private ends regardless of the public consequences .
7 They had converted them into a fine house , which had been requisitioned by the Germans : the officer in charge was a Captain Foghel who , by the time we were taken to Tabiano , had already been transferred to Bologna .
8 By the 1930s the dominant force within Catalanism was the Esquerra , a coalition of democratic and republican groups formed in 1930–1 under the leadership of Francesc Macià .
9 Although their main purpose in life was the Opus Dei , the nine hours or more a day spent in the choir of the great church , the abbey was the centre of a complex industrial and social organisation .
10 The first victim of a collapse in morale was the Sunday Telegraph : its former editor , Peregrine Worsthorne , sacked by Mr Knight over poached eggs at Claridges , was confined to organising its distinctive opinion pages .
11 Witches were also accused of using herbs to ease the pain of labour at a time when the Church held that pain in childbirth was the Lord 's punishment for Eve 's original sin .
12 Within view was the River Lee , curving around Morrison 's Island and the busy South Mall in its circle of the city , conveniently providing the flowing water beside which , each Jewish New Year , Rabbi Moishe and the devout turned out their pockets as they murmurously recited Tashlich , the prayer symbolic of casting one 's sins into the river .
13 The next thing to disappear without mention was the Ransome .
14 Also on show was the Grant portable incubator , specifically designed for use in IVF and GIFT applications .
15 The only one of them who appeared in public from time to time was the Conte 's daughter , who was already past what was considered a marriageable age .
16 The cause for celebration was the Clinton administration 's decision to recognise Angola 's government , which came just 48 hours before the talks had broken down .
17 Some distance away , only a few yards from the vast unfinished Anglican cathedral , he found lodgings ( 13 St James 's Road ) with a spinsterish landlady who by origin was a Northern Irish Protestant .
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