Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] should be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If the rope breaks , the take off field should be within easy reach for a downwind landing , whereas a problem with the towplane 's engine usually means a field landing is almost inevitable .
2 The treads , for instance should be at least 38mm ( 1½″ ) , or preferably 50mm ( 2″ ) , thick .
3 That sort of decision should be under some sort of democratic decision making ability .
4 [ They ] have not learned that the stronghold of literature should be in the upper classes of society , while the stronghold of science should be in the nation 's middle class .
5 I do not feel that any harm will come to those people who experience spontaneous regression in such a way , as any group involved in the higher levels of meditation should be under the control of a qualified and experienced teacher or leader who will be on hand to control the situation and to help should the pupil find himself in emotional difficulty .
6 The argument that high taxes reduce the flow of private savings for investment in industry is only important if one believes that the ownership of industry should be in private hands .
7 What a strange freak of human history it is that the Declaration of Independence should be among the lineal ancestors of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights !
8 These terms of reference should be in writing and should also appear in the opening statement of the report .
9 As noted above , there is some indication of the development of a rebuttable presumption that all questions of law should be for the ordinary courts .
10 Yet , the very thesis that all questions of law should be for the ordinary courts itself fashions the result that the court believes to be correct .
11 To assist the debate many local Law Societies , notably Birmingham and Manchester , have agreed with the local county court what the appropriate rate of charge should be for any particular area , for any particular year , and the courts apply those rates .
12 ‘ The withdrawal from ERM and the subsequent devaluation of sterling should be of particular benefit to Scotland because of the higher propensity to export .
13 Brian Cowie said : ‘ It was the Ipswich branch of CAMRA which mounted a publicity campaign to save the brewery and so it seemed appropriate that the launch of Pride should be at the festival . ’
14 The parameters of water should be around 1–6°GH and 1–2°KH .
15 The genius of English painting was turning to the grandeur and the detail of Nature — Turner , Constable , Wright of Derby , Gainsborough — all coming here , sometimes no more than a few yards from the wood in which Mary was now making her way , also driven by the strange , indefinable current of change , as powerful and mysterious as the turn of a tide , which now decreed that the study of man should be through Nature .
16 It was well known that Sir Dennis Rooke made it clear to the right hon. Member for Worcester ( Mr. Walker ) that the privatisation of gas should be on his terms , and those were the terms on which gas was privatised .
17 [ They ] have not learned that the stronghold of literature should be in the upper classes of society , while the stronghold of science should be in the nation 's middle class .
18 The real source of enjoyment should be within you , and that 's what I will give to you .
19 Flyda says that the cost of Flydaway should be about one tenth that of a conventional underground line , and roughly 40 per cent of elevated systems .
20 The burden of proof should be upon the employer to demonstrate undue hardship .
21 The speed of rotation should be of the order of 30 — 60 r.p.m .
22 The result of these complex influences was a family model that carried heavily ideological concepts of what the distribution of power should be in the family and how sexuality should be expressed , interpreting , in particular , female sexuality as secondary , and deriving from the maternal instinct , and severely regulating childhood sexuality .
23 My only word of advice would be that it might be worth waiting a couple of months or so , by which time WordPerfect 6 for DOS should be on the market .
24 Those responsible for recruiting qualified nurses back into practice should be in the business of welcoming back all staff who have expressed an interest in returning , regardless of age or length of break in service .
25 Sub-paragraph 13 of paragraph 12 provided that all written statements made under caution should be in accordance with Annex D , paragraph 2 of which provided that where a person wished to write his own statement , he should be asked to write out and sign before so doing : ‘ I make this statement of my own free will .
26 It can not tell us how wide a managerial layer should be , what the difference in responsibility should be between a manager and a subordinate , or , most important , where the break should come between one managerial layer and another .
27 But it argues that , in the light of the repeated failure of the ‘ four main constitutional parties ( sic ) ’ to agree , the onus in future should be on them to settle .
28 So far as voting is concerned this is a comparatively recent development , for , on the analogy of the partnership rule , it was long felt that members ' voting rights should be divorced from their purely financial interests in respect of dividend and capital , so that the equality in voting should be between members rather than between shares .
29 Many other members of the Organising Committee felt , however , that the devolution of power in generation should be to the smaller areas covered by the fourteen Area Boards .
30 The Time per Block should be in the range 1 to 1000000 .
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