Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] that [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 It 's the no visible means of support that gets to people . ’
2 Esther shook her head , oblivious of the stray wisp of hair that fanned to and fro across her forehead ; hair that had once been a soft shade of brown , but which now was streaked iron grey .
3 The sound of footsteps on the rickety staircase leading to her workroom made Theresa look up from her drawings , a small ray of hope that refused to be extinguished flickering to life .
4 She was used to her old mistress 's pallor , to the skeleton thinness , to the heavy , bruised-looking eyes but walking into her bedroom on the beautiful summer 's morning and looking towards the bed she was stopped in her progress and forced to control the exclamation of horror that rose to her lips .
5 In the latter , it is ‘ public opinion ’ — ‘ a scattered discourse that in part belongs to each of the individuals of a society but of which none may claim ownership ’ — which underwrites the verisimilitude of the text , allows its relationship to its referent to be probable , necessary , and therefore true , and naturalizes its conventions : ‘ public opinion therefore functions as a rule of genre that relates to all genres . ’
6 At best they furnish little more than an outline guide to the interpretation of the numerical data , a hint of the kind of hypothesis that needs to be tested .
7 In Wagon Mound the kind of damage that needed to be foreseeable was fire damage .
8 As Simon ( 1960 ) pointed out , one of the main tasks in designing a hierarchy is to decide the appropriate level of authority for each class of decision that has to be made .
9 Whilst counselling is n essentially an intellectual process — mostly it depends upon a facility for empathy with a wide range of other human beings — it is nonetheless very demanding in the sheer volume of literature that has to be read and understood .
10 In ordinary cars the higher temperature is produced by having a higher compression ratio and one is used to having high performance cars which have a high compression ratio and need special grades of petrol to avoid knocking and pinking and other effects detrimental to the car , and of course that leads to the need for lead to be added to petrol to stop knocking .
11 the line or lines of text that refer to information identifying a picture or illustration .
12 The number of TC-LC that adhered to KC was 10-fold greater than the number of TE-LC that bound , implying a role for cadherins in LC-KC interactions .
13 Despite its shortcomings and my own , working on Switchboard gave me the tools to work out some sort of political consciousness , the level of articulacy required to stand up for what I started to believe in and the confidence to take the sort of shit that comes to any woman who does that , anywhere .
14 It is the imperatives of a coherent demand for representation together with common points of struggle that lead to the notion of a somehow definable gay audience .
15 And er can can we scrape away to say Chairman that er , you know this , this , this situation er it is not to do with government policies , we are paying a very heavy price to this country for world recession as we have paid this very high price , very very large amounts of money that had to be used for people who are unfortunate enough to fall out of employment .
16 I mean , the point about this is that actually I must emphasise it 's a needs based assessment , both in allocating the overall amount of money that goes to the various areas and er those of you who 've already looked at it will see that area three seems to have a disproportionately high amount of the money .
17 The sums of money that have to be paid for these efforts and sacrifices will be called either its money cost of production , or , for shortness , its expenses of production ; they are the prices which have to be paid in order to call forth an adequate supply of the efforts and waitings that are required for making it ; or , in other words , they are its supply price .
18 Hill goes on : ‘ I also have to state that I am staggered at the amount of money that appears to be owing and am at a loss to understand how such a situation has been reached .
19 It seems reasonable to suppose that there differences in the kind of provision that needs to be made by each of these stages of teacher formation .
20 The revelation comes as Thames Water is trying to isolate the cause of contamination that led to an outbreak of illness caused by a germ called cryptosporidium .
21 ( 4 ) Brief summary of the six main acts of parliament that apply to social services and to the policy of charging clients for certain services
22 Since 1985 , there has been action in several prisons over several demands , but perennially the amount of overtime that has to be worked .
23 And I know many older women who have found the kind of partnership that adds to their life rather than subtracts from it .
24 There was just the touch he gave , disembodied , little rills of pleasure that seemed to be arriving from nowhere .
25 ‘ As for the terms in which St Paul expressed it — well , there you are he used any sort of figure that came to hand : he picked up a rhetorical metaphor from a cynic preaching in the market … .
26 The company 's Health & Safety Manual continues to provide standards and codes of practice that conform to current legislation with a revised manual to be issued later this year . ’
27 A period of conditioning on the Verdun battlefield manufactured a callousness towards one 's own wounded , and an apathetic , morbid acceptance of mutilation that seem to us — in our comfy isolation — almost bestial .
28 Of this , £1 million is a large chunk that will reduce the UK 's ability to contribute to the type of research that led to the discovery of the Z o .
29 I am tired of talk that comes to nothing .
30 The text goes on to make clear that the same elaborate rules of impurity apply to any discharge of blood that occurs to a woman outside of her regular menstruation .
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