Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] in [art] long " in BNC.

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1 Cognitive–Behavioural treatments have been the most extensively evaluated interventions of all the psychotherapeutic schools in relation to these disorders and they do indicate that clients benefit in the short term , but little is known about the maintenance of change in the long term .
2 The fall in death rates was the most fundamental feature of change in the longer term .
3 Yet climbers appear willing to put an inordinate amount of faith in a long line of brass nuts and then show surprise when they pull like a hot knife through butter .
4 Many couples continue to enjoy sexual intercourse once or twice a week into old age , but some people have neither the inclination or ability for this , and of course in a long relationship we do adjust to our partner 's needs .
5 He would hardly have been a natural companion for the Prime Minister , Mrs Baldwin and Tom Jones during a quiet evening of patience in the Long Gallery at Chequers .
6 This may cost more at the time but could save a good deal of money in the long run .
7 It belonged to an extremely important erm civic family , Thomas and John Smith , who are the two important ones during the civil war , Thomas was mayor just before the War , John Smith was a member of parliament in the Long Parliament , and erm there 's a slightly complicated story to the house , Thomas moved out of it just before the war and built another one way up the street , but John stayed there , and another important landowner in Marston , Umpton Croak , owned the other half of it .
8 A net outflow from the UK until the 1931 Census was followed by a period of net inward migration which culminated in the early 1960s in the peak arrivals of migrants from the ‘ new Commonwealth ’ , chiefly the Caribbean and the Indian sub-continent , reflecting a UK shortage of labour in the long ‘ post-war boom ’ .
9 There should therefore be fairly high levels of mobility in the long run and a more open system of elite mobility than in capitalist society .
10 However , carers with savings above the limit for means-tested benefits have to rely entirely on ICA plus income from their savings , a strategy which is likely to increase their risk of poverty in the longer term ( Glendinning , 1990 ) .
11 Will he do all he can , through the Construction Industry Training Board , to ensure that an adequate supply of skill is available to meet the demands of recovery in the longer term ?
12 IF IT worries you that the national survey on sexual habits is not going to take place , you could take comfort from the thought that it probably wo n't make a vast amount of difference in the long run .
13 The shop certainly had not received a coat of paint in a long time and , though looking decrepit , in earlier years the well proportioned double-fronted premises must have been quite smart .
14 In analysing the impact of taxation on steady-state and equilibrium paths , there are several effects that are of particular interest : ( 1 ) on the rate of growth in the long run ; ( 2 ) on the level of per capital income and consumption ; ( 3 ) on the distribution of income among factors ; and ( 4 ) on the distribution of income among individuals .
15 Maintenance of health in the long term depends on the management protocols which control the animals ' welfare and staff access .
16 As a safety-valve mechanism as well as in the effort to use the peripheral labour resources productively , liberal economists such as Vera Lutz have recommended the encouragement of emigration to areas of labour-scarcity , but this may also produce problems of integration in the long term .
17 The FAOR proposals for storage of information in the long term using a filly computerised system were also investigated thoroughly , particularly as these had a bearing on the manner in which the index system would be developed .
18 My Lords , it 's a question of cost in the long run , but er the reason that the our British Library will have fewer than the French Library is originally it was planned to have three thousand places , but er further er examination which has really been taken undertaken very , very thoroughly has proved that this is really not necessary .
19 Steers ( 1964 ) took up this point and argued that the structure and history , as far as it is known , of Blakeney Point pointed to a westwards movement of material in the long term view .
20 ‘ Save a lot of bother in the long run . ’
21 Ten minutes spent in this way could well save you quite a lot of time in the long run .
22 Now I know the old adage that the best way to discover this kind of information is to experiment , but this video offers you a series of starting points that will definitely save you a good amount of time in the long run .
23 This must indeed be a scheme for salvation in the long term : salvation through utter enslavement …
24 Durkin was dressed for motoring in a long white dust coat and cap .
25 But it does mean that cross-addiction is a factor that may possibly be of some influence in all of this and that it is a factor that may need to be taken into consideration in the long term in attempting to improve the over all quality of recovery .
26 I agree with my honourable friend er one of the er satisfactory features of the C B I er survey last week , one of the many , was that eighty four percent of firms er in the U K intend to increase or maintain their spending on training and of course she 's absolutely right , they will be the firms that will benefit most from that investment in training as we continue through recovery into growth in the longer term .
27 The disadvantage is that it was very expensive , low in fibre , and not well balanced for use in the long term .
28 The only real hope for mankind in the long term appears to be fusion — the power of the Sun harnessed on Earth — because it is clean , cheap and available .
29 If this happens , your job could still be just as much in jeopardy in the long run as that of an employee who has clearly and inexcusably committed an offence .
30 Then she smiled though her eyes remained cold as winter and said , ‘ Are you enjoying your time in the Army ? ’ — as if she were making conversation in a drawing-room , Carrie thought , instead of standing in a hay field in summer in a long , silk ball gown .
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