Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] and i have " in BNC.

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1 Er yes current position er at the moment I 'm the licence training manager for brewery and I 've held that position for five and a half years .
2 Well I well I 'll have a week 's holiday after Easter and I 've got ta go unless we go to .
3 I sent him away after supper and I 've been finishing Emma .
4 it was only ten to eight and I got up because I thought I was getting late for work and I 'd better get moving .
5 ‘ YES , I was fired up — I always get like that when I 've had a bit of stick and I have had a lot of stick lately . ’
6 you 're probably right , but the point remains of course and I have to have
7 There was a time years ago when I made the odd item of clothing and I have started designing stuff again now .
8 so they did n't come , and I did n't go out and Gemma came up and I was sitting there talking and they had a drop , drop of wine and I had one with erm and Gemma finished her biscuits up , we 've got to get some more biscuits now Gemma brings her
9 ‘ I 'd pay for a cup of wine and I have dice , though I would love to know the finer points of the game ! ’
10 It was not an act of war and I have no reason to believe that one of your countrymen was responsible .
11 Over the past few years I have read a great deal of specifically Christian literature in the field of economics and I have been impressed by one thing : while much has been said about the immorality of the modern corporation and the injustice of the structures of international trade and while a little has been said , especially in North America , about the role of government and the need for proper control of money and credit , very little has been written about trade unions .
12 I 've got two thirds of back and I 've been doing it a month .
13 Tonight we 're going to take a look at two aspects of education and I have with me Stephen Ball , who 's been carrying out research into the different between streamed and mixed ability classes in comprehensive schools , and Sandy Grassy , who co-ordinates the many links between the science side of the university and schools .
14 My flat was under an inch of water and I had to move things upstairs .
15 I 'll have to wallpaper your bathroom , then paint it , I then have to touch up the door cos it 's that kind of paint and I had it like , on the top of the loo , I was doing it up a bit , and the next thing I saw was Felix coming onto the back of the wind ah
16 On this occasion the N1 cam was to the right of centre and I 'd knitted the right side of the neck correctly , with no problem .
17 Only when she was out of sight and I had turned a corner did I remember that I had left the little willow leaf from her body lying upstairs on her Sophocles .
18 and up the steps out of the underground there was this lass there and I , I ca n't help it I mean I 'm always aware of the fact of having this twenty five year old child , so offspring and there was a girl roughly about his age or slightly younger and she was grey you know that translucent look your skin gets when you 're not eating properly you know that grey sort of pallor and I had an overnight bag in one hand and a briefcase and a handbag in the other and I remember I walked past her and she was begging and I had gone to the sleeper and I 'm sitting there and I 'm thinking you bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep , you could of put briefcase down , overnight bag down , handbag down and got some money out .
19 I do n't want to be like a film star , but I do want a better quality of life and I 've got that with H R T !
20 As Mr Cook reminded us : ‘ The Secretary of State and I have frequently jousted with each other . ’
21 My right hon. Friend the Secretary of State and I have regular exchanges of views with CBI ( Scotland ) on a variety of matters .
22 The Secretary of State and I have worked hard in discussions with the brewers to get improvements in the way in which they treat their tenants .
23 The Secretary of State and I have urged the brewers concerned to keep the number of notices sent out to an absolute minimum , and to make their purpose clear to tenants .
24 My right hon. Friend the Minister of State and I have raised this with our European colleagues .
25 I 've got a doctorate of science and I 've got a medical degree from Birmingham University .
26 I chose many years ago to explore the avenue of detailed drawings of wildlife and I have largely stuck with the same technique .
27 I chose many years ago to explore the avenue of detailed drawings of wildlife and I have largely stuck with the same technique .
28 I think they 've got their cost structures er a a little bit out of line and I have to be honest that I think that some of them have thought that er all you have to do is , you know , keep a brass plate outside your door for fifty years and the work would roll in .
29 I 've been a bit dull of hearing and I have n't got my hearing aid in .
30 ‘ It was the last day of school and I had intended to phone you later although I had n't decided what to say . ’
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