Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] and [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Lennie knew about George 's craving for freedom and often threatened to leave , but George felt obliged to look after Lennie as Lennie could not fend for himself in a cave and Lennie could not cope with going to jail or a home to be treated like an animal .
2 The downside is that , unlike financial controllers , directors can , technically speaking , be held liable for negligence and consequently sued .
3 Claim forms for night visits , each containing details of up to 10 visits , are processed for payment and then filed by practice and by the quarter of the year .
4 He was asking local people for money and also approached local clergy .
5 It was a terrible time for the Orcs , who suffered defeat after defeat and never found a leader of their own to equal Sigmar .
6 There was no means of tapping the slag , requiring the furnace to be broken after melting and then rebuilt ( Med .
7 The tritium produced is held within the aluminium and released as gas after heating and then stored in metal canisters .
8 Most of the Pyrenean breeds , originally bred for work and naturally found also on the southern slopes with spanish breeds , are now rare .
9 He did not ask for independence and never attempted to repudiate the suzerainty of the sultan .
10 This ethos contributed to the desexualisation of lesbianism and also ignored a whole range of inequalities which erode some lesbians ' choice of lovers .
11 And when the man had arrived , Luke had offered him a glass of champagne and then shown him through to the kitchen and shut the door .
12 Because import duty ( 35 per cent on ornamented goods ) and freight charges , had from the start pushed prices up in the US , Peter now decided to make a virtue of necessity and deliberately aimed for an exclusive designer image with corresponding price tag .
13 Four women then dressed and trimmed the body — i.e. shaved the face and washed the hair — prior to its being wrapped in 8¾ yards of cerecloth and then placed in the anthropoid lead case .
14 And er it took us a long time to get the special material because as you will gather , we tend to do everything properly , so we had to have the a cloth specially woven er handwoven of course and especially dyed and for once we had it especially fooled in other words the nap was raised .
15 He seemed to be deeply immersed in thought and was driving mechanically , his skill at the wheel a product of experience and finely honed reflexes , not of intense concentration .
16 They gave up every kind of luxury and frequently bathed in cold water .
17 Yeah well even if they came sort of late afternoon , turn up about fiveish and had a a bit of tea and then spent the evening with you that wo n't be too bad would it ?
18 Mortimer , who dominated the council , wielded power with no more tact and delicacy than had the Despensers or Edward II ; Henry of Lancaster , Mortimer 's erstwhile ally , was excluded from policy-making in 1328 , and in 1330 the earl of Kent was accused of conspiracy and summarily executed , much to the alarm of the other nobles .
19 gained credit via APL for up to 50% of the areas of study and successfully completed and passed the assessment schedules for the other 50% of the areas of study .
20 ‘ I still ca n't believe you , ’ he remarked , but he washed anyway and he dried himself on the piece of hessian and then spat on his hands and flattened his hair .
21 He went down on his haunches in front of Chant and suddenly snatched hold of a handful of his hair .
22 The tensions that did arise were generated during the period of readjustment and later resolved .
23 Leaflets were distributed which gave information about personal injury claims , suggested various sources of help and also offered a free interview with a solicitor .
24 If therapy was needed for the child , they wanted to share in the offering of help and particularly valued taking part with the workers in life-story work .
25 Camille accused herself of lack of foresight and rapidly made up a yarn whereby they had thought better of the dinner-party and had spent the evening playing Monopoly at Tim 's place in a blameless fashion .
26 Whether or not they are given delegated powers , sub-committees must have specific terms of reference and clearly defined tasks , so that everyone understands just what the sub-committees are to do and when it is to be done .
27 The increasing exclusion of the laity from an active role within the Church gave them a feeling of alienation and doubtless accounted for the rise in popularity of sects in which lay persons could play a more positive and meaningful part .
28 Sheets were attached to each end of a beam of wood and then secured to the highest rafter in the roof , which at this stage was still open to the elements .
29 A week later you returned to that place of winter and never returned . ’
30 He was totally oblivious of mess and basically needed an army of servants keeping things organised around him .
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