Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] and [vb past] he " in BNC.

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1 She looked at Travis for support and found him grim-faced .
2 The crisis secured his reputation as President and earned him immense popularity with the American people .
3 Together they went to see Baldwin after dinner and persuaded him , apparently without great difficulty , to go out , if he had to , with a bang and not a whimper .
4 Mrs Gregory , 53 , said her husband had ruined his life through drinking and said he had drunk heavily during the days before his death .
5 An act of God is usually held to have been the spark which ignited Ceauşescu 's ambitions as a town-planner and architect of communism and spurred him to act on them .
6 He went to Italy on his own and eventually made himself pick up a girl in Rome , mostly for the sake of having someone to speak his new Italian to , but she thought his intense shyness some sort of perversion and kicked him out .
7 The Kimbell 's hefty endowment freed Pillsbury from the chore of fundraising and enabled him to mount several important scholarly exhibitions that might not have found successful venues elsewhere ( such as the Jacopo Bassano exhibition , scheduled for January-April 1993 ) and which still attracted numerous art lovers to Fort Worth .
8 He had not attempted to draw , Harry was aware of that even in the heat of his attack , and it enraged him past measure and gave him strength beyond normal .
9 He dreamed up mad little schemes that both gave him a great deal of pleasure and helped him to avoid some of the inevitable boredom of an out-of-town tour production .
10 By introducing him to Pan Am 's lawyers before bowing out again , Miller had broken Coleman 's alarming sense of isolation and put him in touch with at least a measure of the support he needed , support that the DIA itself was unable to give .
11 Bede perceived in Ceolwulf a love of religion and recommended him to Ecgberht , bishop of York , in 734 as a willing helper in the work of ecclesiastical reform and organization .
12 The Association honoured him on his retirement with the award of a medal of honour and elected him as a Vice-President The following year he was made an OBE for his lifelong work for the deaf .
13 Gradually he had started to reject food which had increased her level of anxiety and gained him more attention .
14 Kopyion poured him a drink of wine and offered him a date .
15 In broad Scots he asked Selkirk for his authority , the soldier flourished a piece of parchment and told him to hurry .
16 Young Donald coolly considered his grandfather 's staring look of fright and answered him deliberately : ‘ No — I would not dirty my ’ hands on a bit of a teacher .
17 Mr Salmond rejected claims that he had made the issue a question of confidence and said he was ‘ relaxed ’ at the prospect of a challenge , adding : ‘ I think that is a rather far fetched possibility , but obviously in a democratic party everyone has the right to stand for national convener . ’
18 Manchester United manager , Alex Ferguson , gave England winger Lee Sharpe a vote of confidence and named him in an unchanged side for tonight 's home game against Arsenal .
19 The ambassador tried to explain what he knew of the sources of unrest and said he thought the mullahs were getting their money from the merchants in the bazaars , not from the CIA .
20 Tom handed him a large square bar of soap and showed him how to use it .
21 Following repeated breaches of the orders the judge , in the contemnor 's presence , found him guilty of contempt of court and committed him to prison for eight months .
22 The SDLP 's Alex Attwood accused Sinn Fein of personation and said he was confident his party 's vote would hold .
23 Tonight , as she spoke o£ the convent , that frightened , insecure schoolgirl-woman had broken through the shell of sophistication and touched him again , moved him to be tender .
24 I took a gulp of air and pushed him off .
25 ‘ Then , before I could stop her she got my father out of bed and told him the whole thing .
26 Willie climbed out of bed and joined him at the window .
27 The Council commended the existing structure to the Secretary of State and asked him to re-consider this as an option for Lothian .
28 He spoke of intellect and said he thought that the mind must be coloured with inspiration .
29 Brian Hallin recognised the group 's choosy approach to the issue of signing and realised he was representing a band with a highly unusual attitude .
30 They hauled Tommy out of class and forced him to spend a whole day alone in a tiny punishment room .
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