Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] and [verb] she " in BNC.

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1 And in that twilight world between waking and sleeping she saw that it was a face she knew , her own .
2 When Ludovico came back to the apartment with food for lunch and found her stripped to the waist , washing herself in the cracked kitchen sink , he immediately started making love to her , pushing her back until the taps dug into her .
3 She is looking for work and thinks she may be forced to move to London in search of a job .
4 But the attack , when it came , came from an entirely unexpected quarter , leaving her completely without defence , as in one easy move he thrust his long fingers into her mane of hair and pulled her to him , his mouth silencing the startled cry on her lips .
5 But soon after he had a change of heart and left her .
6 But even in her anger she also knew she could not add anything more to the heavy burden of worry and doubt she had seen her father was already carrying .
7 ‘ It took some time to bring your sister to a reasonable state of mind and to prevent her following Garry back to London .
8 It was an ancient emotion for Blanche , calling her home from the wasteland of tension and anger she had tramped across for the past few months .
9 I gave Fenella a handful of loose change for cups of tea and told her I was just popping out to ‘ see to Armstrong ’ and I 'd be back in an hour .
10 They led her into the interview-room , gave her a cup of tea and got her to sign the consent form — somewhat of a formality as the child was already in Theatre by this time , but at least that way they were covered in the event of any repercussions .
11 He even made a pot of tea and poured her a cup when she got up for work .
12 As their eyes met , Yanto sensed a spart of recognition and gave her a broad smile to help her recollect .
13 Maybe they would remake Anna Karenina when she was an actress , and everyone would be amazed that such a young girl could project such depths of emotion and hail her as the new Garbo .
14 Already I have the feeling that I 'm a bit too thin — that Anna , whose house I am at , will say that I was never fat in the first place : ‘ Oh , you 're all right , skinny ribs ’ ; that mixture of dismissal and envy she uses , excluding me from the problems of other girls , from real problems like her fat thighs , or her backside that could do with ‘ half an hour on a bacon slicer ’ , as she puts it .
15 When Karen Stephens trained as a hairdresser she had to learn more than just the rudiments of cutting and blow-drying/ She also had to tackle the problems of learning how to lip-read in a mirror , as 20-year-old Karen has been deaf all her life .
16 Cheap Mo cheap ’ and Magill came out from behind his flat-topped mahogany desk with a shout of laughter and hugged her and patted her bottom .
17 Dexter detected her change of mood and examined her quizzically .
18 ‘ Confessionale , ’ the priest smiled at Molly and took another genteel sip of wine and surprised her .
19 He took a mouthful of wine and regarded her , propping one hand against his head .
20 Then , after she had taken her tour of Nightmare City , they had brought her into the middle of town and dumped her .
21 Still , it was the hangover of that piece of moral cowardice at Lochgair station , along with everything else , that led to me feeling so profoundly awful with myself that evening ( after the train finally did get into Queen Street and I walked back , soaked and somehow no longer hungry , in the rain to the empty flat in Grant Street ) , that mum had to call me there , because I had n't been able to bring myself to phone her and dad … and I still managed to feign sleep and a little shame and a smattering of sorrow and reassure her as best I could that really I was all right , yes of course , not to worry , I was fine , thanks for calling … and so of course after that felt even worse .
22 All she knew of self and love she knew through Fenna , and now she had to send him away .
23 We noted the omission of any mention of meat and asked her particularly about this , as there have been so many debates among anthropologists in recent years as to the origins of hunting and meat-eating .
24 I tried to ring her the other day as going to a seminar at my solicitors office nearby and had hoped to walk up plus dog , leave Bella for duration of seminar and pick her up again = kill exercise bird with seminar stone as it were .
25 It was Louise who usually attended to Miriam , bringing her a ration of water and helping her nearer the fire at night .
26 To head off a tantrum , try squirting a shot of washing-up liquid into a beaker , adding a bit of water and giving her a drinking straw to blow bubbles with .
27 She told me she did n't eat lunch any more as it had become a bourgeois meal , but I could call in for a cup of de-caff and con her into whatever it was I wanted .
28 Then his head dipped towards her and he kissed her full on the lips , a harsh , plundering kiss that robbed her of breath and left her trembling beneath him .
29 She said she 'd given it a lot of thought and decided she 'd just got carried away because it was all such fun .
30 The 13-year-old pupil at Alsop High School then grabbed hold of Jade and pulled her to the side of the boat even though he is not a strong swimmer himself .
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